Who wants to join me in busting Chapman out of the looney bin and tell him Lennon's spirit in Beiberfuck…anyone?
Who wants to join me in busting Chapman out of the looney bin and tell him Lennon's spirit in Beiberfuck…anyone?
But she's always been a singer from back in the Bette Midler days.
It's all Pascows fault..if he never came back to warn the doc about things the doc wouldn't have done the spooky things he learned about from Pascow…stoopid bike rider.
So that's why the troopers can't shoot straight!
Did you photoshop that on porpoise?
He's like a Lucas toaster with that no chin beard look.
So now Superman has GhostHarry over his shoulder explaining the code to him over and over and…
and then we named a swimming pool after him!
The only offense was from Rupert Murdochs papers drumming up false 'how dare you make fun' blah blah
Went there last november…ghost town of course so i walked around the island with a location list, it really does look the same.
The Mask 2: Hardly Twerkin
All hail BatPig
and the aussie accents sucked baawwls
There was a Japanese reality show that kept a man locked in a room for around a year and the only way he got food and stuff was either by trivia or the public waching him go insane on tv.
'Feel Around' or GTFO
If only there was a store open that sold tools and various handyman items next door to the hardware store!
Nobody expects the early VanDerWerrf review! His…
I have a whole bunch of dvd/blu rays. I like knowing that the films i like are right there on the shelf. A rented dvd will most likely have finger prints or scratches and here in Oz they still don't have their shit together for good quality streaming or the range of titles you get in usa.