Film Runner

Reeves' best roles, Neo and John Wick, are characters entirely defined by how his characters move and act. Part of the reason The Matrix works so well is that almost none of Neo's character arc is conveyed through dialogue, we just see him become increasingly more and more powerful until he becomes a god. You can

"Although it’s not as easy to find Marmite in the United States as in Commonwealth countries, it’s usually stocked by British food shops"

I saw T2 last week and it's not very interesting. It's basically a TV movie sequel.

A lot of Sin City's appeal was the novelty of its aesthetic and cartoonish nihilism. Now that even Superman is doing the latter it's no longer interesting.

Assassin's Creed's framing device only exists so they didn't have to pay royalties to the owner of the rights to Prince of Persia.

Ubisoft had total creative control over Assassin's Creed. I can't wait to see what they do this time.

They just made Assassin's Creed, terrible ideas are no obstacle.

They're rebooting it.

Don't worry, Ubisoft are already also in pre-production on Far Cry, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed 2 and Rabbids movies.

For those unaware, The Division is set in a post-apocalyptic world in which poor people scavenge through the streets of New York damaging landowner's property. Your job as an agent of the state is to kill the poor people. It's the perfect story for the Trump administration.

The Hunger Games is the story of a poor, largely white majority living a simple, rural life and dressing simply and modestly, who are oppressed by a snobbish, intellectual, wealthy elite living in a faraway city, who dress in outlandish, colourful, non-traditional fashions. It's the exact narrative of Trump voters.

And the cat's internal monologue hiccups when drunk, even when the cat isn't making a sound.

This movie is kind of worth watching to see an entire cast visibly long for death for ninety minutes. Even when Spacey is in voiceover cat mode, he's still somehow visibly hoping for his end.
Also it was kind enough to give us this magnificent image:

99% of audience members at a superhero movie have no idea if a movie adheres to the source material. Comic books are still a really niche thing. And you can make characters your own by deviating from the original book and have it work, just look at The Shining.

Mass Effect is however a total ripoff of Revelation Space.

It's an extended, pedantic retelling of the backstory of the first game.

Did you not see Warcraft?

After the first game yes.

And Ubisoft somehow got total contractual creative control of the project.