Film Runner

It might have for all I can remember of it.

Also Blomkamp has said in interviews that the film is about his fear of Zimbabwean immigrants flooding into South Africa. This probably explains why the film is about a white South African fighting to get a race of literally animalistic and violent metaphors for black people out of his country.

As someone who saw it on Monday, it's the most generic fantasy movie you can imagine.

Quick, make a Youtube video about refusing to read any more of his comments!

The kids walk out of a screening of Return of the Jedi.

In the film it looks even worse.

The eighties. It doesn't affect anything in any way.

The Last Stand was at least coherent and had the bare minimum of competent direction.

She doesn't actually affect the plot in any way, just standing around looking very silly the whole time.

I saw this thing a few days ago and I'd say it's probably the worst film of the series. The plot is often incomprehensible (Apocalypse does things largely because the script needs a villain) and functions largely as a checklist of X-Men tropes rather than a cohesive narrative: Magneto decides humans are worthless,

It is an incredibly dark comedy. Ellen Page's character is one of the funniest in any movie I've seen.

Apparently Weaving based his accent on the Wachowskis' accents.

How reading the Bible gives you psychic powers.

Why not?

The Matrix?

The Last of Us. It's a watchable if mediocre mash-up of Children of Men and The Road, punctuated with bland gunfights you could easily zone out for.

Every trailer makes it look like a spin-off from The Hobbit.

I found MGSV to be a complete mess and a real disappointment myself. If you don't mind I'll paste my review I wrote for my blog here:

Hugh Glass did not actually have any children for one, and forgave both men who left him behind in real life. This movie is as faithful to the true story it's based on as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

To Kill A Mockingjay