Film Runner

Never had a barium X-ray?

I was SO disappointed A Serbian Film wasn't as sexy as that NC-17 rating implied.

To be fair the Blacklist also included Transcendence, Abduction, Seven Pounds and The Imitation Game.

I can offer be insulted for you.

That joke is as old as the film it's referencing.

They got Ken Watanabe, Chow Yun-Fat, Gong Li, Rinko Kikuchi and Franke Potente in the same movie and made it boring? Holy shit, I can't remember the last time I saw such a waste of talent.

Honestly I never had a problem with Sutherland's performance. If MGSV had anything close to a cohesive narrative with drama, that wasn't 90% narrated to me over the radio between missions by Kaz reading the Wikipedia summary, I might have been drawn in enough for Big Boss' sudden muteness to register.

Him and Linsday Ellis are about the only good things ever to come out of That Guy With The Glasses.

If he had any wit he would have had well-intentioned but wilfully ignorant westerners go to the jungle, ostensibly to help out but really to have a holiday they can brag to their friends about how noble and selfless they are, have their attempts to help the natives accidentally destroy the natives' lives, and then

"But in a lot of ways, bands like One Direction have bypassed that by just saying, “Well, we’re good looking and we sometimes take our shirts off and we can do good dance routines. So buy our music.” That’s as opposed to, “Our music is good and it’s saying something and it’s changing the world.”

The thing is, Game of Thrones really hasn't attracted much hatred at all, I'm really in the minority in publicly disliking it. It's so universally praised that a website like The Mary Sue publishing articles critical of it is a genuine internet news story (and you should have seen the 12000+ comments on that article

So is Lindelof's.

Not so much that, but that it's in complete denial of its own trashiness. It's basically Dallas with dragons and stuffed to the utter brim with softcore porn and pulpy violence, but it's so convinced it's high art that it refuses to embrace that. As exploitation it would be quite fun (in fact the first series

I find this idea that one of the most successful and acclaimed TV shows around is somehow unfairly put upon to be hilarious and somewhat sad.

And then Americans almost seem entirely cool with the idea.

Hell, Hitman: Blood Money nicked the ceiling strangulation shot for its contextual lift kills.

No, they seemed to think Hitman was a stealth series instead of a puzzle game and tried knocking off Metal Gear Solid.

There was a rumour going around at one point that he didn't actually exist and was just an Alan Smithee-esque pseudonym for writers to adopt if they didn't want their name on something.

I thought Bard in The Hobbit was Orlando Bloom. How many lookalikes does that man have?

Hitman has always been a really bad and somewhat baffling choice for film adaptation because what little story there is to the games is absolutely moronic. It's an excuse plot so the main game can connect its levels and nothing more. Fundamentally the game is a puzzle game, the point being to see if the player can