
Ugh. I had a former coworker who was HORRIBLE. I started looking for new jobs b/c of her and I loved the mission of our organization. Thankfully, some crazy guy proposed to her and she moved to a different city to be with him, so it all worked out.

This may be my favorite typo/autocorrect ever.

From this moment forward, I will be describing my office mates as “the other tricks”.

That’s not true, stop it.

If she has to pay damages, I’m ready to contribute to the fund.

Whoa whoa whoa. We tarred and feathered Torries, British soldiers, and politicians before the revolutionary war. Don’t spread your southern bullshit around here. We have enough as it is.

It’s not even that she may not have gotten along with them. I was at my last job for 5years - all of my coworkers are in the following groups: 3 actual real life friends, a few people that I work well with and respect but are not personally friends with, people I’m able to chit chat about tv shows and the best lunch

Yeah, I’ve worked in places where everyone was great friends and in places where everyone just had respectful, professional relationships. And while I love the friends I’ve made at work over the years, I honestly prefer the second one. It’s way healthier.

I would describe her as cunty. At least she’s consistent!

I share an office with a stone cold bitch this year. It’s bewildering. She is just really, really not nice.

“I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!”

2017: The Bitches Strike Back

It’s really important that men of good will call these guys out. These types of guys will never listen to women - duh. They’ll listen to other men.

Fucking preach. My lecherous, disgusting co-worker today thought it would be acceptable to try to commiserate with me about how a female coworker looked in her outfit. I just looked at him with disgust and walked away, but I wish I had punched him.

“(...) the profound love I have for my wife, my boys and my Catholic faith.”

I’ll share one.

Nice to see! Experiences by men and women are different and until that’s clarified we can’t make things better for either side.

I used to be married to a Connecticut Yankee who told me that he of course knew more racial slurs than I did. He then rolled out porch monkey, towelhead, sand jockey/ni**er and about 10 other slurs that I’d been spared. It always made me wonder, why have so many names for something you supposedly don’t like?

I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don’t. Do it.

“Now you see him, now you don’t”