
Self centered ignorant assholes that believe they are smart.

except it feels like you do want to victim blame...........

I would say I’m not an asshole, but I guess that’s what you would expect a lying asshole to say.

Why do people perpetrate online hoaxes? Why do people shoot from a 32 story building? Why do people vote for Trump? Why do people throw a kitten out of a moving car (my foster cat)? Why do people abuse loved ones? Why do people drive PT Cruisers? I just don’t know anymore. People are crazy, that’s all I got.

Regardless of whether or not one thinks (based on their viewing of Making a Murderer) that Mr. Avery killed Ms. Halbach, it is more than clear that he did not get a fair trial. I know that I shouldn’t be, but I’m astounded that injustice has once again prevailed.

I feel the same way about the malaise and the depression, but don’t abandon the country yet and don’t give up hope. You giving up and saying America sucks is exactly what Trump and his asshole friends in Russia want. Don’t give up.

This week completely broke me. The events in Puerto Rico and vegas make me so profoundly sad and depressed.

I was going to say 2-3 days. It seems like we’ve got them on the run this time!

See, here’s where you fucked up: You’re trying to apply any kind of logic to the pro-lifers and their wildly inconsistent belief system.

It occurred to me recently why pro-lifers are so ridiculous (besides the fact that they don’t give a shit about the kid once it’s born): if a pregnancy is terminated, wouldn’t the “precious baby soul” go to Heaven to be with God? Wouldn’t that be a good thing? So they actually don’t believe in God; therefore the

You are full of shit.

Yeeeeeeah I would be more inclined to be understanding if she hadn’t shoved in the “and there are some people who defend the 2nd amendment and who say you can’t legislate against evil” at the end there.

You know who else knows how it works? TOM FUCKING BROKAW.

There will be another mass shooting before then (although likely not this extreme). So there is literally never an “appropriate” time to talk about gun control according to their rules.

It’s probably going to take that long from Wayne LaPierre to recover from the muscle spasms of the massive, convulsive orgasms today’s news gave him.

The NRA knows EXACTLY how long the nation’s attention span is. They have lobbying like this down to a science.

Here, this is for you. Our foster kittens, stupid cute and without a care. They all found good homes. Today is rough. Take care of yourself.

I want to read and absorb this because I know it’s important and it’s great to have it written about when there’s so many other distractions, both serious and silly, happening right now in the news.

R I G H T? Actually, dumbfucks, he fits the profile of a mass shooter to a T, as they are almost exclusively white men.

Yup, and the old ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people’. Ugh. People with access to many, many guns commit these acts - they wouldn’t be able to (or at least wouldn’t do as much damage) if our gun control laws were stricter.