
We are all General Kelly.

As soon as he began his “Trump 2020" rallies, it was clear that they were staged to raise legal defense funding. It will be interesting to see who the actual beneficiaries of these funds will be. If past is prologue, watch Trump keep it all as his enablers all run away from this White House.

Shame on Colbert and the Emmy’s for this. This douchebag shouldn’t get a redemption tour.

I didn’t watch the Emmy’s last night but I saw this on Buzzfeed along with a lot of audience reactions and Melissa McCarthy’s face was definitely mine.

“Does he know that’s not how it works?” 

“Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner.The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!”

Damn straight he was.

Kelly Clarkson says she turned down millions of dollars just so she wouldn’t have to share song-writing credit with Dr. Luke.

Was Optimus Prime involved????

I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.

This guy is so universally repulsive, I feel like ‘Shkreli’ should become the term for some uncomfortable experience or gross bodily byproduct, much like ‘Santorum’. But what has the right combination of industrial-strength annoying and full-bodied cringe to be labelled a Shkreli?

So I’m in Santa Clara County, CA, and we are struggling to recall the judge responsible for letting Brock here off with a very light sentence. I’m shocked by the resistance to recalling Judge Persky. He has a long history of letting criminals like Turner off with very light sentences because it might “ruin their

What is with the fascination with loyalty among these rich white assholes? Trump, O’Reilly...they speak about it in a one way sense where they expect it, but never actually give it. Like being “loyal” is equivalent to being a good person.

With that one sentence I started  debating if Tori Spelling’s falling out with her family made her a stronger person. The cult like Trump kids support does not at all speak well of Trump.

I couldn’t agree more. The fact that citizens have to donate to disaster relief and medical bills for their friends and strangers is proof that we’ve regressed back to “alms for the poor” medieval standards of social safety net. Protecting citizens from acts of god (both by setting risk-mitigating standards before

Celebrities who raise money for anything are always chastised for not giving enough themselves, no matter how much they actually give. Every person involved in this kind of endeavor gives some money; some more generously than others. But I don’t see the problem with a rich person giving a nice chunk of change AND

Kate Hudson: go fuck yourself. The C-section is the reason why my son and I are both alive today. It’s a legitimate medical procedure that saves fucking lives.

Today’s Code 45* is simply brimming with boyish enthusiasm and...what’s a nicer word for horniness?... ardour over the latest WH staffing decision. I’m sure most of you are aware that Hope Hicks was promoted to communications director today, and that he sees her as one of the few (if not the only) remaining people

It looks to me like Stanhope was covering for his friend by trying to create confusion around the allegations. IMHO, there are so many women that have come forward about this that I think it must be true. Plus, if you were Louis, wouldn’t you scream your innocence from the mountaintop, and also sue the hell out of

james woods getting trashed