
UK Update:

Erasing my first sarcastic response (sorry) to post this.

Excuse me?! The GOP’ers will also tweet their “thoughts and prayers” to the Dreamers as they are deported. Ok?! What else do you want from them? I mean they only have complete control over the executive and legislative branches of our government!

Pretty much every single article I’ve ever read that whines about how “no one votes these days” completely fails to mention that this is the desired outcome of decades of legislation specifically designed to make voting inconvenient and expensive. Nope, it’s just those damn lazy Millennials!!!!

I read or heard somewhere this weekend, and I wish I could remember where it was, that during times like these, everyone should be keeping a journal and just writing down the way things are- so that as our country slips into totalitarianism, and democracy is lost, we can remember what life was like. That is to say

The interviewer notes that Linton had to be persuaded to pose in “beautiful dresses,”

Pretty sure punching child touchers is even less contentious than punching nazis. I really wish the fact that anyone besides nazis don’t want nazis punched was still surprising. If someone tries to tell me punching a child fiddler is now faux pad I am done.

Well on the list of punchable things, it’s Nazis and I think Pedos is second probably, so sure yep :)

So, a known kiddie fiddler was elected mayor.

Please tell me that town was population: one.

I adored her too, and I don’t care if people roll their eyes, I do believe that her death was not purely accidental. There is so much evidence out there, that has been, not so much dismissed but ignored. Independent researches ask questions, but they get the “haha Conspiracy Theorist Treatment.”

Over the last 20 the culture around Diana hasn’t changed one iota here in the UK, set at that moment of the car crash. No matter what the narrative will forever remain as Diana, the People’s Princess (surprisingly often spoken in the tone of belonging to the people rather than of the people), and be one of how she got

I will never get tired of sharing this.

When I was little, my mom bought me a comic book that showed me how deal with these weirdos.

The evangelicals could stand to recruit some new staff to try and up the conversion rate. I’m sure this would be successful:

I think the people reading this website have already figured out Ivanka is just a dumb ineffectual bitch who benefits off of her racist, sexist, asshole father by pretending to be above it all. Let her burn. I want to see her lose everything and I want to see her little plastic surgery nose and cheekbones fall

Because I am a millennial and we are trying to kill movies. Along with literally everything else. Because we are evil. (Also cause we are poor and can’t afford anything.)

I will point and laugh at Sarah Palin, who is politically irrelevant.

And cue the tea parties complaining about “legislatin from the bench!”...whatever that means. In the interim, I will point and laugh at Sarah Palin, who is politically irrelevant.