
This is just a place for OKCupid horror stories, right? I'm in!

It's never come up, but I could never be with someone who didn't love animals or who expected me to give up my pets.

Keith Law has the science on his side, but you have to give a man of faith like Schilling credit—

"Gave them the vote"? Uh, no. Men didn't just hand it over, women had to fight tooth and nail for that very basic right.

Brooklyn 9-9 is what makes me happiest these days.

It's not a test of the dog's mental agility, any more than his/her physical agility. Also, you're a dick.

I've always maintained that a mischievous streak in a dog (ie, figuring out how to get into the fridge, for example) is a sign of intelligence.

That's the attitude my sister (who's a behavioral psychologist and clicker trains her golden) takes, too, though she's usually a real rule-lover. I, myself, am always a fan of disobedience.

and jake gyllenhaal as the prince of persia (persia being iran, should really have been played by an iranian, or at least someone of middle eastern descent)

Being a Western New York native this makes me a little homesick. When I wasn't an adult with responsibilities who didn't have to drive anywhere, I loved being snowed in. My house had a big fireplace, wear your jammies all day, drink some cocoa, dad doesn't go to work so we watch movies or play was super…

Good for John Hodgman. Fuck Uber. They've made San Francisco extra intolerable right now. Ashton Kutcher, sit down and shut the fuck up.

If I could, I would store a pumpkin pie in my cheeks too.

"His family is beside themselves", in this case, means that the attendance at the game was 4.

Fuck you for reason #5, Bobo.

I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.

Heard a story a while back about Blake in Vegas. Guy with a table beside his was taking pictures, Blake told the bouncers to kick him out, guy showed bouncers on his phone that his pictures were of the crowd, not Blake's table, and they let him stay.

I'm with you. I think all major milestones in a man or woman's life should be shared and celebrated with the ones they love, especially parents.

I'm going to find a way to clone fictional characters, then I am going to clone enough Olivia Bensons to staff every SVU.

the toddler "did not disclose any information that would warrant a criminal investigation."