Fill Matic

@SmartedPander: I just don't want to be involved in the situation. Haha, I'm afraid to get hunted down by Apple assassins. I have the material that they use here on a 24 inch roll.

I can sell you a sheet of the same exact material enough to do 20+ phones for 10 bucks.

It's a Magazine not a "clip", n00b

That much closer to having our own Mech's

How about they put a real Genius in the Genius Bar?

@ivealwaysgotmail10: I've been using Fring for a couple years on WM and now on Android (HTC Evo), connects fine every time.

This is probably going to be a free phone for people to get. It will help push people in to a smart phone that are not already on one. When they see "free" it sounds like a good deal. In reality they end up upgrading their contract to a data plan, causing them to pay up to 3 times as much as they were paying for

This app isn't necessary to take crappy looking pictures on an iPhone.

@venc: Yes, on the HTC Evo
