
The only people who see in black or white are extremists.  Life has nuance, shades of grey, requiring everyone to agree with your ideology is nothing short of fascism and assuming that everyone who doesn't agree with you must be the enemy is exactly how totalitarian regimes begin.

My understanding is that the difference is in the purpose. Is the expression of support genuine or is it made to show everyone around how virtuous you are ? Obviously, inferring intentions is dicey business that can be done with a varying degree of good faith, but accusation of virtue signaling could be made when the

So basically he was right. The virtue signallers left. Saying something is controversial does not make it controversial. The phrase virtue signalling seems to be taken as rhetoric for a political ideology, when it represents a specific phenomenon. There is no legitimate reason for any business to issue statements on

Honestly, there’s so much vitriol surrounding this that I would probably want to escape into a hole in the ground if I ran a business like that, too. No matter what you say or don’t say, you’re going to dealt with a faction of people yelling at you. There’s literally no way to just live in peace anymore.

Given the

Look,let me first make my statement, I support BLM 100%, but holy crap. Does nobody see how close this article is to advocating a fascist viewpoint? BLM, is an amazing movement that will hopefully change the world, but the idea that someone wanting to stay out of it is automatically racist. THAT IS A FASCIST

Ahh yes, the ‘tolerant’ Left comes again. Neutrality equals disagreement which means you’re my enemy and you must be destroyed. How dare a board game site not push its politics in people’s faces ! Yeah, because that always works out in their favor... Quitting your job over that? Very smart. (rolling eyes) 

That's why I said the company doesn't need to voice their opinion. It's a company not a person. Now their employees should be given the green light to voice their support of the movement 

wow... someone just wants to live his life and people call him racist because he doesnt want to be in the middle of anything.

I am living in Europe and I am baffled but how fake many Americans seem to be. I will get a ton of hate for this but think about it: BLM is so true that it should not be stated. And the correct slogan would be Black Lives Matter Too.

Basically this is now Forced Speech.

No matter what they believe in personally, ANY employer that doesn’t shout out their support from the rooftops are now automatically bigoted racists? Because they didn’t get with the program so they should be “cancelled”?

There’s no way of thinking that separates that scenario from

I for one can understand why someone refuses to constantly issue statements pro or against something. At least where I live we had the pro-environment stance before that, another year before it was the Russian homophobie and their occupation of parts of Ukraine. What about the political education centers where China

“If you’re not vocally with us, you’re against us.”

Is that really where you’re going with this?

On one hand, there absolutely are people who engage in what these people would call “virtue signaling”. They’re people who are more concerned with others seeing them as a good person than they are with the action itself. To use a relatively benign example, there were a nontrivial amount of Prius drivers who didn’t real

42 million unemployed. I don’t think he’ll have too much trouble staffing up with out of work nerds who don’t give a shit about politics at work when it SHOULD NOT MATTER because a board game company doesn’t matter.

Nobody should give a fuck where Wizards of the Coast stands on BLM.

I have a genuine question and I hope it isn't offensive in any way: How important is it to make statements on social media on an individual scale? I mean, I don't really use social media and due to being immune compromised and living with disabled relatives, I've been hesitant to go out and protest. So, I haven't

Good to see y'all are still cancel culture assholes at Kotaku.

No one has to bow down to an ideaology. BLM is many different things and it’s fair to not agree with some ideas they adopt. BLM are well within their right to do their thing, but the idea that everyone must just bend the knee to a movement or they’re ostracized is terrifying, and if you dont think so then you might

Just not sure how the movement is going to survive without the explicit endorsement of the all-powerful board game forums.