Phil B

Class. Brits are obsessed with that whole system.

More like GONAD Marvel.

Yeah, I know what they're CALLING it. But it's the same crap DC pulled, right down to keeping the continuity of popular titles while scrapping everything else. That's been a huge, audience-alienating mess, and this will be too.

"I know who I want to take me home." — Hulkling

In other words: NuMarvel.

He just can't catch a break. The "Mystic Arts" show never got picked up. Could've been good, based on the bits of the pilot that leaked online. And he did the "Powers" show, which… um…

That works too.

I don't know. I'm comparing villains, not heroes.

The Master : The Joker :: Davros : Lex Luthor

Wasn't this issue scripted by Azzarello? It doesn't read like Snyder's dialogue.

Hey, he was good in Looper. Oh wait, that was the kid in the Bruce Willis makeup.


Angry white men who are liberals are much better.

It's just a show. You should really just relax.

Dixon. He just couldn't make the weight in time.

Why? Because of his ironic embrace of the Andy Sipowicz look?

She'll never talk. She knows when to clam up.

Yeah, he was kind of a trickster-god character. Good, bad, whatever. He was all about sowing chaos.

He seemed to participate in the system because doing so allowed him a platform from which he could express his boundless contempt for it and its other participants.