
Super bright headlights, combined with super bright daytime running lights. Which in turn leads to people driving in them because they forget to turn their actual headlights on at night and drive around with no tail lights.

Fake vents. They are universally stu-u-u-u-pid since they're non-functional.

Crack Pipe. 12k is insane for a car with a very niche audience that isn’t in top notch condition. 

All the guy had to do was quietly go into retirement and move on. He’d forever be remembered as the hero mayor of NYC during 9/11 who was the face of a national tragedy unlike anything we’d seen. Showing true grit, moral fiber in the face of comments from Saudi leadership (and the refusal of a $10 million donation

Did this need to be a comment?

I say crush the drivers. Leave the poor innocent cars alone.

Keep the cars....crush them.

I bought a flood car once. Put about 200K on it after I bought it between myself and the two friends who owned it after I moved it on. Only issues were the starter failed soon after I bought it (dealer fixed it for free) and it would have a slightly funky smell on hot days.

Look, America has decided it is fine gunning down preschoolers with impunity. Why would you think we’d be tougher on speeding in school zones? If we can teach active shooter drills, we can teach kids to stop on the curb and look both ways before attempting to cross. Murica.

Three grand for running, driving, AWD, AND working AC? This is the definitive winter beater.

I’m a full decade older. It’s complicated, but I’d argue that the mid-to-late aughts are peak car. That said, the late 90's were a special time on the edge of the past and the now. We had grandparents with rotary phones while we were downloading video game ROMs and music between shitposting on the internet. A good

Could be a flipper, could be a collector, could be a guy unsatisfied with the $50,000 minimum price of buying a new AWD minivan.

With all the additional tech bloat that modern cars come with as standard or options these days, it baffles me that dashcams never became a standard feature of all cars. I can’t really think of a reason why anyone wouldn’t want one unless they are up to nefarious acts and feel that a camera may track them or something

Putting the Imola in immolation. 

If there’s ever another BTTF they better be using the flying steam train. I always wanted a toy of that as a kid, but it didn’t get enough screentime to warrant one.

Hi. Gen X here. This entire article is why Boomers say Millennials are dipshits.

You picked the Gladiator for legitimate reasons, but I’ll pick ANY Stellantis vehicle. In the last decade, I’ve had four that everyone of their transmission went out in. You’d think at least ONE might break 100K miles without a new trans.

When you sit in traffic you are using very little power. Whereas an ICE needs to have the car running just to get AC/Heating.

How is the plane able to fly carrying such large balls of steel