
I’m the same way. I always check the backseat even if I know my kids didn’t get into my car beforehand.

I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a sad thing that manufacturers are having to put a notification in their cars to check the backseat whenever they turn off their vehicle. 

Has it really been a decade since this happened?

I think the Cyber GTS name fits it well when you look at it. It’s got a strong visual presence, and C-words are quite strong in my opinion (my favorite car name right now is Cullinan).

It was a RR Phantom I got to ride in about a decade ago. Of course everyone wax about how smooth and serene it is, but actually experience it is something to write about.

If they can make a $30k EV, they can bring me a Focus ST for $30k (or less!).

This looks like a blast, but at the same time, I’d be terrified of taking a rogue tire to the face sitting that close. 


So did they finally repave 555? I heard they were and the last time I knew someone who tried to run it, it was rough. 

They are pretty spectacular when they’re warm. 

It was south of Richmond of I75.

It was south of Richmond of I75.

I’d lease one at $14000. 

I don’t know how long it’s been open. We saw a sign for it and needed a break on our road trip to Georgia so we pulled off. The first sign for us should’ve been the line down the exit ramp on the other side for people trying to get in. But we wanted to see what it was like.

I stopped at my first Buc-ee’s in Kentucky a few weeks ago and I have to agree. It was CHAOS in there. There was a line getting in to get gas AND a line getting out. It was damn near shoulder to shoulder inside too.

*cough* obligatory answer *cough cough*

I could never find one of those base cars for $25000. 

My dad is a car guy but he doesn’t think he is nor will he admit he is one. He’s had all types of different rides over the years.

All of Jalopnik to Mr. Castro:

Looks like it’s the same issue I had with my 2016 Escape.