
Do you have any evidence/proof that these Amazon adaptors don’t work? Everyone in the Mach-E Facebook groups are constantly posting about them working without issue. 

Raptor Rs. Supercharged V8 instead of the Ecoboost V6.

You should hear my neighbor’s CRV Hybrid. It sounds like a church choir when he’s backing up.

Can I do a top three?

I’d rather see this than an ashtray or lighter. 

Now playing

Surprised you didn’t post a link to a sound clip.

Now playing

I don’t know why, but I loved this commercial and it made this ugly thing seem way cooler than it was. I even tried to push my parents to get one when my dad was going to get rid of his old Cherokee.

I thought I was the only one who knew about these things. 

Yeah, but then she replaced it with another heavily depreciating EV. 

My two suggestions:

I read this article and thought, “Does Jalopnik not know about Ed Bolian??”

2nd Gear: Here’s my take on self-driving.

He can do it all himself! He doesn’t need anyone to help him. That way he can really earn that $56B he keeps asking for.

I love how the top is such a obvious last-second creation. 

Wikipedia says 68000 were made, which still seems high to me.

Counterpoint: This is a good way to dip your toe into trying out an EV without having to go new if it’s still under the battery warranty, especially with the $4000 tax credit thrown in.

The problem is that those kids are way too young and should still be rear-facing. 

My dad had a 99 that he and I custom ordered together: Black with tan leather, sunroof and Infinity sound. It was a good car, and fun to drive for such a boat, until right at 65000 miles when it literally started disintegrating in front of your eyes. All the door trim fell off from the ceiling and sunroof, door

The fact that he drove this wild beast so much that he was in two accidents with it is cool/impressive/hilarious.

Came here to say the same thing.