
Do I dare say this is the least offensive Zimmer ever created?

It’s brilliant. I found it two years ago and it’s a great timewaster at work. 

A couple for me.

My wife’s had one in her car for two years now. Haven’t had an issue.

That testing area looks fun. 

My FIL is 1. the most relaxed and even-tempered person on this planet and 2. absolutely not a car person. At all. He drives a 98 Accord only because “it still starts in the morning”. His 10 minute rant on how much he hated the Journey he had rented a few years ago is probably the funniest thing I’ve ever witnessed. 

I’m going to jump on the “No-Tesla” bandwagon. I truly applaud what they have done as far as innovation and growing a company from a small niche brand into a mainstream competitor, but the lack of quality surrounding that technology is pretty appalling. I’ve seen nicer interiors in Dodge products.

Darwin, PLEASE take the wheel on this one....

I think the guy in front of the tow truck needs a fresh pair of underwear after that. 

I always choose the 90s cars (BMWs, Acuras, etc.), but the car that I have been double-taking on when I see one is one of these.

No idea. My wife tried doing it when we first started dating, but that was quickly outlawed. 

No feet on the dash. Period.

Central Ohio is full of Odysseys and Siennas. 

That’s why they put ‘Mustang’ in front of it. Any press is good press. 

Mustang Mach-E.

These were my two options back in 2000. 

One in front of the other. 

There’s enough room on armrests for two elbows. Share accordingly. Everyone will be much happier.