
political sensibilities. As in the current political sensibilities are the ones of Donald Trump and his supporters etc. Donald Trump is Politically Correct. As is anyone in government. Think about the words. A year ago Politically Correct would be different than what it is now as what could offend based on politics

I hope for this too. GTA Online is feeling VERY dated. All I want is updated character models. Some different body types or a decent haircut for once.

I have to agree. The only time a company takes legal action is specifically when it directly effects a current project.

Pokemon and Metroid fan projects tend to be shut down in timing within some point of production of a game that is similar in scope.

I think you might be unknowingly misusing the term PC. It means Politically Correct as I am sure you know. By definition it means to be correct by political standards. Politically speaking our current president is Donald Trump and anything he is trying to do and supports is politically correct.

Remind’s me of the movie “The Man Who Knew Too Little” with Bill Murray 

Now playing

“ Wealthy Blacks commit more crimes than poor whites, that’s a fact. Look it up.” I think is the correct quote form that stream.

I recommend ff14. It definitely gets much better as you hit your stride. They also said they are changing the combat system a bit. Hopefully they make it more simple. By level 50 I had 3 hot bars of 10 filled with moves i had to keep an eye on. Not to mention msot raids and dungeons had some sort of puzzle solving/

I don’t think that is necessarily true because the alternative is to NOT publish a piece. This is like what I was remembering recently with Ryan Davis passing away. No one posted how he passed away on any story revolving around him and no one talked about it. Under that logic, they shouldn’t have posted about Ryan

As someone who has worked for gamestop for 10 years, the best way to have handled this is to do what they ask and fail if they really felt it possible and it actually was impossible. They can try to get you in trouble for doing as you are told but at a certain point they can’t blame you if you do everything by the

As someone who worked at gamestop for 10 years that has gotten through and learned a lot about the company I can say, as my personal experience would lead me to believe, that the person you interviews for this misunderstood and due to mob mentality has created his own problem.

Working off the clock actually also spreads misinformation to the company. It provides them data that one person can do the job of 2 or 3 thanks you working off the clock. Making every other store have it harder in your region and forcing every other store to have employees work off the clock.

Also sorry for the double post but Reaper is not a counter pick to D.Va. Armor takes reduced damage per bullet while health takes full damage per bullet. Her high armor made her great against road hog and reaper as their shotguns relied on multiple bullets hitting her and when you reduce the damage of every hit by a

The point of a tank is to outlast DPS though. I could have sworn they brought it up but they mentioned that they aren’t building characters to counter other characters. Then it just becomes a game of “ pick the character that kills this character” and playing a rock paper scissors game isnt fun nor is it good for

So yeah as the others have said. They completely overhauled the game. Infinite flying with Phara, Torb can make armor without picking up scrap, symettra has a flying shield and a shield generating AOE ultimate, D.Va shield now uses an energy bar rather than a cool down. I love overwatch but they have a point. These

So there is a reason against it is because the player difference actually made it so people in California COULDN’T participate in TDM. During fights you weren’t allowed to do normal TDM stuff. You have to complete your FIGHT raids or lose to gain access to normal TDM. Problem being when California got into fights

Oh man, I have already filled up all my boxes so far. I am gonna have to release so many pokemon to participate in this... :(

I don’t see why not. You can use keyboard and mouse on consoles anyway. Not sure what the difference is besides timing of the updates which could be fixed.

ok just started working again. Still it seems to be make the time you have to wait a bit longer? Still not sure.

Something that I might add is DO NOT CHANGE THE CLOCK DATE ON YOUR 3DS. It seems to break every function that is based on a 24 hour wait like Festival Plaza, Coffee shops, raffles etc. I changed mine at 6 AM on friday so i could keep catching some misdreavus at night and as of me typing this nothing in the festival

I know it’s an old article but “Rapp still works at Nintendo” should be updated as they did successfully get her fired later :/

Since I got linked to this article from a new article today.