
@CalHoon: "How dare you... how dare you insinuate that we, your most lucrative demographic, are actually to blame for what is clearly your fault! I say good day to you sir!"

@Disadvantage: If Camry's started unintentionally accelerating into Sebrings, and only into Sebrings, I would renounce my atheism on the spot.

You know, there's only so much color coordination you can do before it looks like you care too much about that sort of thing, you know?

@SerialThriller: You know... you're right. And I would bet that there's no over the counter hitch that fits on a Viper... maybe a custom machine shop job?

@GV_Goat: I dunno... kinda boring. Cars do all sorts of other cool things. I always thought any particular motorsport that blows up one specific function was kind of meh. I mean I think it's intriguing from an engineering standpoint, but if I were ever going to participate in motorsports, I'd want to do an event

Vera nice. The Fiesta RS mule kicking around is hot stuff. I'm still very happy with my Honda-precise 5 speed in my Fit.

@BrtStlnd: "Don't slow down in east Cleveland or you'll die!"

@BЯдΖǐL-ЯЄРΘЯΤЄЯ: Exactly. I don't watch Top Gear because it is serious car programme, I watch it because it's damn funny and entertaining.

@Optixtruf: That's good. Live has always been pretty decently smart about that sort of thing. I still feel like I'm playing an FPS with flippers on my hands when I game with a control pad though.

@Optixtruf: I want to get it for a console because I suspect the gameplay is best there (had fun with MW1 on PC though.) I don't think I can do multiplayer... I'm a Counter Strike veteran from version 1.0 on, so while I can get around a first person shooter with a control pad, I don't have near the inclination to

... Oil Rigopnik?

@Matt Hardigree: Ok. Is there an incentive instead to hotlink to that story in unrelated posts, like the Mercedes CLS Concept story you just wrote? Is it brought to us like Carl's Jr.?

@TexanIdiot25: II The Return: The completely context-free iPhone ads on the left side of this page don't help. I left Gizmodo when they couldn't stop churning out iPad stories for free click throughs. The gross pandering of Giz editors to the outside world to contact them to become their talking heads for iPad

I like it, though wide bodies never really clicked for me on anything but real racing cars.