
@jbh11126: Unfortunately, transportation costs to/from would prohibit partaking in such a glorious endeavor.

Mully is a great, scenic road and a cool ride/drive. Many sections, especially closer in to the city, are made of terribly pock marked and rutted concrete unfit for any kind of performance driving. Which is a good thing, because if it were track smooth, Caltrans would be fishing overturned supercars off the side of

@jbh11126: Agreed, but man it is difficult to get one built. People don't want it in their backyard, their backyard being a 100 mile radius around any inhabited housing.

I thought the same year Mercury Sable did the details better with the same shape.

@Møbius: I had no idea my Saturday nights were also general meetings.

Burkha Bites Back

@heel_toe: I don't think so, being in Los Angeles I've seen plenty of super cars at the pump. How they manage to not scrape the bodywork getting in and out of these places, I'm not sure...

@SheerHippo: Sorry, re-reading my post, the sarcasm-quotient is much lower than it should be for proficient snark. Humor fail on my part.

@tonyola: Always thought this generation of MC's had Kermit eyes.

@Optixtruf: ... why do you hate freedom, Opti?

@SheerHippo: What do you mean? He had his foot squarely on the brake. That the car accelerated as if he were actually pressing his foot down on the accelerator instead of the brake, well that's just plain Toyota's fault. These things are dangerous! Someone should do something.

@clevemire: Actually I think Tom Gale's 1st gen Viper design is excellent, and as evidenced, nearly impossible to follow up.

@merlot_brougham: The oil sheik demographic means luxury wins out over lightness. Stinks but that's how it is.

@chathamh: It would be... strange for Ferrari to make a car that had a smaller, lower output engine made with less unobtanium, that would be kinda reliable and attainable. I just can't see it. I think their current direction of continuously spiraling upwards with price and complexity is actually working out pretty

@Festering neon distraction: I think you're right. It's in some Cadillacs too? I believe the system was developed by the automotive research arm of Bose (yes, the speaker company.) I don't know if it's also a Delphi thing or not.