
Here's a crazy idea that just might work:

Heat fan here.

It's actually a fair point, albeit clumsily delivered.

I am surprised the interviewer did not insist on clarification of these two seemingly irreconcilable details. As printed it currently makes no logical sense.

My favorite brand of baseball was the kind he played with the 2006 Marlins. Bunt and slap shot your way on base and wreak havoc with steals. Sabermetrics may regard steals as needlessly risky but damn he was fun to watch.

Wondering how many people jerked to those pics before scrolling down and realizing they were fake...

I'll bet those paternity test results finally came in.

Granted it's the Lakers…

35 million?

We get what we incentivize. The race for clicks applies pressure to be first and pressure to be right. Looks like Chad Ford found a way to be both.

"I can't breathe"