
Everyone has their own kinks, but I can safely say that is not one of mine. All I think is ‘ouch!’. Does that tend to be more men, or women?

Don’t worry about it, forget I asked. :)

She’s already getting them. I think she just has an aversion to pooping. Although she’ll tell you when she needs her diaper changed, and probably could be potty trained, but her mom doesn’t want her backsliding when the little sibling is born in a week or so.

Yes...back full circle to the disbelief again. Funny how the brain works isn’t it?

That poor family, what a hard time for all of you. I hope you got some counseling from your work afterwards. Hugs!

Ahh, thanks.

I partially degloved part of my pinky finger when a gate caught my hand in it, farms are dangerous places. Once they numbed my hand it was cool watching them clean and stitch it up.

Not at all. When my brother would shave his head for the Marines, it used to drive me crazy that the back of his scalp would get little white-heads that he’d never pop. I just always wanted to zap them for him!

In one piece? How...whaaaa?

Because of course that’s what he’s worried about. *rolling eyes* Once you see a few naked people you’ve seen them all.

I love it too! I’m not a nurse but when my mom needed a boil lanced in her inner thigh, and dad wasn’t around, I helped her and it was satisfying.

Yikes! What kind of infection was that, just irritated tissue and pus?

My mom once was treating a patient and took a short-cut through the ER when she ran across a guy coming in the bay. He’d been trimming a tree branch, that he was sitting on, and of course when it fell he went with it. He also died. Sad and sort of humorous at the same time.

Ever since my gallbladder came out I will say I always make sure I know where the bathroom is. I haven’t hit the ceiling but it’s been more IBS when I never had it before. Ugh.

Ugh, and gross. What a mess...

Was he on drugs?! Who stabs their grandma, besides this guy...

Ooh, that is awesome! Ouch for the patient though...eek!

Whoa...I was a super-premie but a bit older than that. I hope they were ok, and if not I hope the mother survived.

Wow, I’m glad he was ok, and sorry his wife was so insensitive to him and you all. Hugs!

At least if I lose something during anal play (unlikely) I’d be honest about it at the ER. People can laugh later, but I’m sure you all hear “I fell...” way too often.