Hyacynth Bucket would so not be involved in this shit.
Hyacynth Bucket would so not be involved in this shit.
Hugs! Ugh...
This is the best! I love Wednesday and this whole part in that film. :)
Thanks for posting this, I am so interested in human culture and how our brains and culture intersect.
Or go picket all those horrible people, she was a toddler for Christ sake.
Your explanation was better. :)
I totally would, why be serious all the time! But if that’s all you’re doing at a friend’s house I could see how it’d be tiring. (Love my political debates!)
Weird, and creepy, and too much control.
I loved the Lonely Planet t.v. show, and wish they’d do more seasons, but their books aren’t as good as Steves’. I also really enjoy Samantha Brown, want her job really.
Very true! Now I need to chalk some green money gathering spells under my doormats (responsibly) and figure out how to get all the dust bunnies out from under the 1/4 of the bed I couldn’t get to today. I think I have to shift the mattresses.
I love Rick Steves’ travel shows, his books are also my favorites and I’ve stayed at some great hostels and B&B’s he’s recommended.
Most people are good in this world, especially to travelers, and I just trust my gut. Now I’m stayed with friends that I’ve chatted with over the internet for years, but I still hadn’t met them first, and it worked out fine. I presume the same thing for a B&B, hostel, etc...
This was an awesome article, I’d love to go there too, I had no idea it was open for tourism either. I travel internationally by myself, I prefer it, and hope my next trip will be to Budapest and Egypt. I’m still paying off my last trip but am glad you had a good time Kristen! My limited Arabic should help... :)
I’ve never lived in a HOA neighborhood and don’t see why anyone would want to. No windchimes, no clotheslines, to sidewalks, etc...ugh.
I love my soup but after someone tells me it’s gone, you know it’s not magically refilling, mores the pity.
I ate an amazing pork roast a coworker made ay work yesterday, and now I want this lovely piece of steak (or beef of some kind). yum! Love this article, hate that I’m hungry right after I ate lunch. Damn!
I haven’t gotten to that part yet. Thanks for the warning!
It’s like moving your furniture around and cleaning really well, it makes me happy.
Hoarders inspires me to declutter, and I don’t have any clutter! :)
I think she does want you to put everything in one room to see it all at once. Sort of a ‘shock-and-awe’ method. Then start sorting. You’ll feel so much better after this though, it’s so nice to keep only what you need/love.