
My uncle died at home, in his sleep, unexpected when I was a teenager. Grandpa couldn’t go upstairs to check on him so another uncle did, and we all went and sat with him until the Coroner could come and take him away.

Me too. Both sides of the family are massive Catholic ones and so I started going to funerals about the same age. I can’t even count how many I’ve been to, so I remember being amazingly surprised when on of my BFF’s mentioned in college, at our mutual friend’s mom’s funeral, that she’d never been to one. I almost

Was the nose honking a ‘thing’ between them, or was she just checking to make sure he was really dead?

Stalkers are crazy...

I know this is a sad thread, and I send a lot of hugs to everyone, but I will say I hope that people who are submitting stories can mostly laugh at them now as hard as I have been. Laugher and tears has been this thread for me. :)

How much pot has the assistant been smoking?

Josh’s commentary on the original family website was horrific, I wish I’d kept a page of it to be entered into evidence, it was that bad.

As it should, haha!

Better than spaghetti mountain I guess. Need to go see the Ohio abortion hill but I’m too sad about it, especially after a dear friend/coworker and I argued about it last week. sigh...

a real person doesn’t anwser it right? I don’t like talking on the phone to real people. Most of the time robocalling machines are the best.

Hugs! Next time with another girl might be different though, never stop trying if she’s interested. I think I’m horrible at sex and for some reason I find anal sex (with tons of lube) easier than vaginal sex most times. Don’t know why.

So cute, great idea!

I love going to dinner and movies by myself, but I’m single so it’s no bother to me. But after a great movie I feel like you mentioned. :)

I’ve missed you, and this is a great clip!

But all in the most unatractive way possible...

I loved that show! And yes I cringe at Full House too, although my favorite character was the neighbor friend of D.J. I sort of like Elizabeth Olsen as an actress, I didn’t even know the twins had siblings, I feel sad that she’s related to the other two. I don’t know why, maybe because their parents turned them into

I really liked him in The Drop, he plays a normal Joe in it and it was a great film. I didn’t know anything about him before that and now I find him dead sexy. Yes, I’m weird.

Dust in the room and recovering from migraine is why I’m teary, nothing to see here. sniff.

It’s like an uncooked cheese sandwhich. I’m confused, I’m sure it’s good, but I’m still a bit off. Now one with some melty brie and I’m there.

I’m jealous of that trip just for the tea trip alone, but the rest sounds awesome too. I’ve only recently gotten into tea needing milk though...