Michael J. Murphy

Why do so many people think that Arya isn't going to kill that actress? If she's devoted, she'll do what she's told. If a girl is still a stark, those actors are talking mad shit about her family, so why wouldn't she want to kill her

Hopefully Yara gets to Denaerys first and Euron gets burned when he shows up (eventually)

I did not know that. That's super sad.

Ser Ilyn Payne oddly absent from Arya's list

Any connection between Jon waking up and the Dragons getting unchained? Good timing? Probably too much of a stretch

Yes he betrayed Robb, but Robb fucked up first by breaking that Oath her made to marry a Frey. Let alone the Karstark debacle

and in phasing out the Brotherhood Without Banners. I miss those dudes!

No, she was related to the original Mrs. Draper

If only this were a series, with season 3 being the effort to rescue her from limbo, only to find out she's in charge and loving it. (Season 4 she teleports in to save their asses from something. Goat-legs and all)

JK Simmons as Hunter Thompson might could work too

Yes if he eats the guest at the end of each interview

She was ahitty to Worf, too. Crone had a death wish

What's an alter eagle

Aaaaah. Got it. Sorry about that. We'll be ok, right?

The author was wrong. Did you watch the episode?

Disagree. Every scene with Sam Rockwell was GOLD

High enough not to notice that the episode was set in Portland, Oregon?

Seemed strange that they walked up to animal control guy and said something to the effect of 'you must be the guy that got attacked' and he just said yeah and started answering questions like its normal to be interrogated by people on the street at random. No names were given, no i.d. showed or requested. They used to

Duchess Satine*

His episode of Louie, where they address his joke-thieving, was seriously next-level incredible