

The After Disaster, which usually records their podcast nearby at The Improv, discussed on their most recent ep. and a few back about how bad it was with the hordes of kids that gather in that neighborhood.

Much love your way, Chin.

The name is Dalton...

Now playing

TV on the Radio - Wolf Like Me (live on Letterman)

Now playing

If y’all got some spare time this weekend, check this video of Nile playing and giving some background on his style. It gets better the more I watch it. Also, how in the hay did he strum that part at 8:58?!

Forgot to mention - check the bass work by Mills.

Good stuff!

I agree. The whole album flows beautifully. The Sprawl is my fav track.

Now playing

R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe (Live on Letterman in ‘83)

The 1:28 moment makes me laugh every time.

“It can start in New Jersey!”