Bought this one a couple weeks back when it was highlighted, and bought another as a gift. Really dig it!
Bought this one a couple weeks back when it was highlighted, and bought another as a gift. Really dig it!
Bought this one a couple weeks back when it was highlighted, and bought another as a gift. Really dig it!
Bought this one a couple weeks back when it was highlighted, and bought another as a gift. Really dig it!
Also Peter Macnihol in every scene as the Camp Counselor
I will always dislike using trough urinals at stadiums.
But you mess with the goods, doll. Honey, you gotta pay.
Billy is one of my favorite guitarists. His preciseness is grand. So very glad he overcame the cancer and is doing bueno.
Absolutely. My mother woke me up a little before 6:30am PST (my normal time to get up for school) and told me how a plane hit one of the WTC buildings. I shrugged it off and said it was probably some accident with a small private plane.
November 7, 1991. My mother picked me up from elementary school and just after entering the ol’ station wagon she said “Today is a sad day... Magic Johnson announced that he has AIDS.”
I still cannot think of why she ran in the outside of lane one for sooooo long.
I grew up several miles east of Rancho. It started to blossom in the mid-90's, before the 210 East expanded and finally opened in ‘00.
Damn it.
Good stuff, Lindsay. This was something I needed to read considering the weird negativity myself and three of my other friends are dealing with one of our other close friends.
Great call on the corkscrew set, Shep!
Great call on the corkscrew set, Shep!
I have an uncle who has been retired for 15 or so years now. He set up shop in Alexandria. I went out to visit him a couple of years back and we discussed the cost of living outside of DC (similar to where I’m at in LA). I really dug the feel of Alexandria, and I was very jelly of his usual days, which consisted of…
Liz’s vocals. Always.
I remember first seeing this video on Beavis and Butthead.