
Yeah the writer seems to be under the impression that the animated shorts are actually 3D printed figures, which is very obviously not the case.

lol soooooo mad

Oh god just fuck off with your nonsensical self-righteous bullshit, you insufferable goddamn narcissists. You’re not making this ugandan-knuckles-is-racist thing happen that you want to make happen. Get back into your goddamn cave.

These bases look terrible tbh.

Well they have to fill this up with something, as Sony doesn’t really have memorable characters of their own to speak of. Even Crash isn’t Sony’s property anymore.

Beast Wars was utterly terrible. I couldn’t stand to look at it because of how laughably hideous the character designs were and how god-fucking-awful the CG rendering was even back then.

Well, that woman is scum, and something like that probably wasn’t out of the ordinary for her. She likely isn’t doing well today, living off welfare with shitty relationships and no real friends at best, drug-addicted or in prison at worst. People like that don’t do well in life.

The IR camera looks for bits of reflective tape that move up and down. There’s a hands-on impression that says you can press literally all the keys simultaneously and they’ll work.

Got a bit excited about the skins before realizing I don’t play any of the 4 featured heroes. Oh well.

Yeah people seem to be confused about the difference nowadays. Shame.

If you don’t enjoy their games that’s fine. But saying they’re a “garbage dev” is factually and objectively wrong. If you say this, you’re just showing that you’re an immature person who’s frustrated that you suck at their games or something, and you’re taking out that frustration by trolling internet boards with

Ahhh I remember all that bullshit. I used to be obsessed when I was younger, too. I even took a sort of masochistic pleasure in trying to figure out whatever the fuck was wrong with my graphics/sound/controls or why the game wouldn’t run this time.

So when you read my post, you could have concluded that

Exhibit A: one of said self-proclaimed geniuses. :)

Because then you’re a mile away, and you have their shoes.

Well... yes. Did you think I was saying the cosplay model needed to work on the anatomy of her shoulder?

But that’s what the PC gaming public want nowadays. They want to fuck up the hard work of game designers. And they think they’re fucking geniuses who know better than professionals. Because of course this game looks better with its contrast blown out to fuck. Of course that game needs bloom out the ass.

I was gonna say exactly that! In the real picture you can see the skin crease by the armpit, as well as the muscle and bone anatomy of the shoulder under her skin. Had (s)he worked on that area more, I really wouldn’t have been able to tell which one was real. Well, maybe by the hair.

So it looks shitty, cheap and thrown together, in an homage to an era of animations/games that looked shitty, cheap and thrown together?

Hey fucktard, I didn’t ask you to embarrass yourself even more. And no, this user ID isn’t random, not that I give a shit what you think.