
You’re right (better hide, you’re gonna get lynched!) but it was the only 2D Metroid thing people had for a while. So they got attached to it, and now they can’t let go, and will attack anyone and anything that may imply it’s not the best thing ever (including the new official M2 remake, sadly enough). That rabid

Maybe if you’d take a look at the game yourself you’d trust your own eyes, instead. ;)

I’ve certainly played enough to make a fair assessment. To suggest I need to have played literally all of them is ridiculous.

You know Steam, right? “Metroidvania” describes a large chunk of the thousands and thousands of indie games on there, most of them of higher quality than whatever the AM2R guy could come up with.

That’s a pretty sad non-comment dude. :) I know you know I’m right.

But you must admit it’s very convenient either way.

You’re asking me if I know every other indie game developer looking for work? Seriously?

You mean, being right? :)

I’m sorry, but I have to laugh at the idea of putting the creator of AM2R, a very average indie game cobbled together out of ripped graphics and parts from official Metroid games which came out less polished than one in the end, on the same level as Igarashi. That’s one of the most delusional things I’ve read in

Sure, but it could’ve been any number of other applicants. You know as well as they did that the free publicity here is worth more than anything else.

Very clever PR move. Just look at this comment section alone.

Then you’ve never tasted real mayo. :P

but when it comes down to it I can’t bring myself to care THAT much about it.

Well maybe you’d think that just from looking at the features, but in practice there isn’t any fragmentation of note. The biggest differences are between the normal and New series 3DS, and even those have not lead to any such problems. The second analogue nub is never used for anything important, and actually rarely

Well, I don’t know much about it. Even though I live in Europe where it came out, I’ve never seen it in stores.

If you were actually autistic you probably would have paid enough attention to what you were actually playing to know that it is a fully functional analogue stick.

The N64 stick is not 8-directional, lol. It’s fully 360 degree analogue. Don’t know where you got that idea.

Glad you agree. :)

There are no N3DS exclusive games. Xenoblade doesn’t run on the original 3DS but that’s also on Wii (and much better on it I might add). The hardware features are just “nice to have” and not essential, there’s absolutely no reason not to make new versions nicer aside from people whining on the internet.

Maybe I’m just very serious about bringing some positivity to internet arguments! :)