I assume the PSP’s five different versions equally annoy you.
I assume the PSP’s five different versions equally annoy you.
If it were made by any company other than Nintendo, I’d simply be able to log in to my account on the new device and download whatever games I like on the new system.
If you think japanese animation is “gutter trash” then you must absolutely loathe western animation, or what passes for it these days. When it comes to western-made cartoons, there’s absolutely nothing on TV today that holds a candle, animation wise, to even the most mediocre anime. Even internet darlings like Samurai…
I used this exact same technique to get my photo onto my calculator in high school, back in the 90s.
Stop making excuses for someone who’s been doing this for a living for decades and should have learned by now that he has zero skill and talent, yet tries to charge money for his output anyway, all the while trying to lie to himself and everyone else by pretending that the horrific quality of his games is just because…
I think you underestimate him. If you read the rest of that line, it’s very clear what his intentions are.
Wow, nice correction there. STILL taking an insane person’s word for it huh? Just printing that quote of her verbatim? Completely uncritically? Nice job. Really, really nice job.
This is just one of those times where I can’t imagine how someone could think what they’re thinking.
Key word: recent.
I’ve programmed better games on my calculator back in high school, without any programming experience. And yet I didn’t dare to charge 13 bucks for them.
“An entire weekend”??? Are you making an joke? You realize the people in the article basically had as long as they want, not just a weekend?
He does this for a living. This is his six-person company.
What the other guy said, also you added the qualifiers “for a 2 person team” and “in their spare time”. Those arguments don’t fly.
“Not bad”? What on earth are you talking about? People throw together stuff better than this by themselves over a weekend-long indie game jam. Much, much better.
I’m sure the two guys you speak of are horrified. The rest of the country thinks it’s juuuuust fine.
Ironically, the “normal” press reaction isn’t what Jezebel and its humongous echo chamber are after. :)
People are just very, very concerned with appearances, to the point of childishness. :)
Hey Gita. I love the nerve you have, playing up harassment against Mauer while completely failing to mention the death threats she sent out, among many other things. You fit right in here at Kotaku. Great job.
Well they didn’t, really. Gita mentioned harassment against Alex while keeping silent about the multiple death threats she has sent out, among other things.
Well what I’m saying is that simpler graphics can be “great” too, and to suggest that this isn’t the case would be very shallow.