Anyone else insert an extraneous ‘h’ into that headline?
Anyone else insert an extraneous ‘h’ into that headline?
Thankfully they also removed all references to his teammates as ‘Occidentals’. Now that’s offensive.
The thing I love about these posts is I have no idea which sign is supposed to be the funny one.
When did Brother Theodore become the spokesmodel for Red Vines?
Another is that teams are getting smarter...
...and by sitting at Lame Dick’s feet as IAAF vice-president since 2007.
It was legitimate concern for Welker’s well-being.
I don’t have a problem. College football serves as de facto minor leagues for the NFL (as does college basketball for the NBA (except in the case of foreign players, who are the product of academies of the sports clubs that invest money in youth talent)). The ‘success rate’ is irrelevant.
What sounds seriously fucked up to me is that the NFL gets a de facto minor league completely for free. And they even get to dictate the terms of when someone can leave that minor league to come to theirs.
Think the time slots are to cut into US viewing of EPL matches. Ratings on NBC are pretty decent (and I think like maybe a Swansea game did a ridiculous number when it was aired on NBC during the dead week before the Super Bowl (not positive on that)). Maybe the NFL figured out that with no football people might start…
Here’s the argument for Tebow: You’re going to lose every game not started by Tony Romo anyway. Sign and play Tebow and clean up financially on all the True Believers who buy his Cowboys’ jersey.
But then Dan loses. Dwarf can’t handle that.
Yeah, when you figure in what Dusty is going to cost the Nats in terms of ruined pitchers who are getting paid to be inured, they are actually going to end up way worse off than if they had ponied up for Black.
They got their ass kicked.
Black Grantland is getting staffed up, not killed.
Nice goal... aided by a couple of spectators masquerading as DCU defenders.
He also donates to racist, tax-hating Tea Party candidates, but has no problem taking all of those sweet, sweet tax dollars to build him a fucking stadium.
The sooner we build and deploy ref-bots the better.
One of the edicts of 538 is that the methodology is not the story. So even if you come up with some really cool metric, unless you can wrap it up in a story about something else, don’t bother. The editors are also pretty terrible; the opposite of Grantland’s ‘let creative people be creative’ approach. My guess is that…
Seems pretty obvious this is the exit strategy for Grantland. Make it a miserable place to work, wait for everyone to leave. I would imagine that half the people that are still there are in the process of negotiating offers somewhere else. In about three weeks, it’ll be four writers that nobody gives a shit about.