
Raise your hand if you feel your mental health has been affected by Donald Trump personally?

I’m just gonna leave this here...

Domestic/partner violence is often treated as an argument that got out of hand. Someone (re: the woman) provoked someone into violence. Everyone just needs to calm down and cool off, he didn’t mean to shove you (are you sure it was a shove? Did you maybe just spontaneously fall down?).

Luckily we are not. As I mentioned above (in case you can’t see it. I am not great at Kinja) Mueller has collaborated with the AG’s of New York, California and other states. If anyone were to fire him, the other AG’s are ready to take up where he left off. He has covered all his bases. The man is very smart.

Guess what? After the Oklahoma City bombing several laws and procedures were put in place to make it much more difficult to buy large quantities of chemical fertilizer and make it easier to track individuals who do.

But not by someone else’s Alzheimer’s, you dolt.

Still a lot harder for a person to choose to commit mass murder using Alzheimer’s as the weapon, you fucking chump.

How many children die of Alzheimers annually?

UGH. You know, I definitely don’t think Dems should put party before country like the Republicans do, but if we could have just a drop, just one freaking iota of the kind of party loyalty they have- like, WAITING UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION TO START SHITTING ON OURSELVES- that’d be great.

Actually, he can’t quit. Most legal experts believe that the president is immune from prosecution while in office. The issue came up during Watergate but it wasn’t resolved. Ford pardoned Nixon when he resigned because those protections were gone. Expecting pardon from Pence is a huge gamble and it will not exonerate

My modest suggestion remains that we regulate guns as we do cars, with individual registration, firearm insurance, state moderated and tested licensing, and regular retesting. It will probably improve the situation.

Yes, this is specifically timed to be released right before Tuesday’s election. Fuck her, and fuck whatever power is behind her.

I’d rather lose a loved one to Alzheimer’s than a random act of gun violence.

Not in MA. MA banned them 2 days ago.

Don’t worry, there’ll be another mass shooting before enough time’s passed to start politicizing this one (or the last, or all the others before that)

They should always wait until he’s out of the country to drop the bombshells. You know it drives him CRAZY not to be able to sleep in his own bed. That shit has to fray his nerves beyond belief.

The investigation continues...

You need to power play this shit. Take over.