
I’ve be been joking to family and friends for years about my getting prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse and they’ve responded by giving me little gifts to help prepare for it. That stuff is now re-labeled The Trumpie Apocalypse and is next to my bed instead of in the basement.

Is that the only reason you think women stay in abusive relationships, because they can’t afford to leave? Certainly that can be a reason but there are an awful lot more, especially if there’s a child in the picture.

Seriously!! It is hard to make the audience empathize with a character when you can’t see their face/eyes. I thought Deadpool did a marvelous job with that.

I really loved the way Deadpool got in all the backstory about a character non-comic readers don’t know much about. It was super fun and didn’t drag at all. Frankly, the Batman franchise could learn a lot from it because I’ve never cared less about a kid’s parents being killed. (Well, that last sentence was hard to

My state (a red one, why do you ask?) actually has a description in the annotated code that describes what a “legal” spanking is like. (Scare quotes because I don’t think it should be legal at all.) It isn’t widely talked about outside the child and family court setting. I only knew of it after I started working at

Maybe that’s the tag line. “Tune in next week for another episode of Big Time Dicks. Bigly.”

He beat Alec Baldwin in that slot so he’ll probably just focus on that.

Sloths creep me out in the worst way. I think I’m in a minority in this.

I would love to see a Republican Congress impeach him. His blood pressure couldn’t take it. I would watch the shit out of those hearings.

Absolutely agree. It’s no coincidence that he thinks there are exactly three million fraudulent voters.

His only plan to replace the ACA is to leave it like it is but brand it Trumpcare. And possibly to arrange it so he gets a residual every time someone says the name.

Lots of people are registered to vote in at least two states. I mean, I just moved to GA and will register here. However, I cannot make my previous state remove me from their polls . Have I committed fraud? Of course not! It’s only fraud if I travel back to my previous state and vote! He is such a clueless fool

I don’t think it’s about his white buddy. I think he’s trying to prove that Sec. Clinton got three million illegal votes and that’s why she won the popular vote. If he can somehow wipe out those three million, then he’s back on top, in his mind.

You could ask her why the 2nd amendment is the only one they care about and ask her why she won’t go to bat for the other amendments. I have heard so many of the gun people say that if they don’t exercise their rights, they get taken away (which, hello! not how this works!). So you can reply that you are exercising

Genuinely laughed out loud. Well done. Have a star!

You remember when lots of kids from Guatemala crossed through Mexico and over the U.S. border and were (are still?) held in detention camps? My sister was being very vocal about sending them back to where they came from. I asked her to imagine how bad life would have to be where we lived before she would tell her

They mean, “Let’s move on to our lily-white world where we have gumption and bootstraps and don’t need handouts. Crybaby!”

My favorite family court judge won’t call the time split between separated/divorced parents as “visitation.” He always says “parenting time” because, as he says, you aren’t visiting with your children, you are their parent.

I want to piggyback on this to recommend the app Countable. It gives you a brief rundown of upcoming bills and links right to your Congresspeople.