
Interviewer: Would you mind reciting your poem for us?

also, thank you for posting this. i actually read this a day or two ago and ran into it again and i guess i needed to hear something like this.

stupid france, won’t back us up in a phoney military circus that was obvious to everyone else on the planet except people who watch faux news.

never saw it. i probably saw brothers solomon or something else shitty instead. i would, however, be more impressed by a titanic sequel.

the freezepop songs from amp/freq are very special to my friends and i. i hate to use this word generally but it actually applies in this case; those songs were epic.

violence is almost always wrong. i do actually hate to admit it but he shouldn’t have touched her. especially since she had a false eye. the correct answer would be to reply with a series of insults about the eye.


generally, i’ve noticed that people who don’t think politics should be discussed on a (gaming, tech, car, etc) site are offended by content regarding republicans. if only they’d stop bringing politics into basic human rights topics.

DONALD JESUSFUCKINGCHRIST (or whatever that j is for) TRUMP.

that’s what makes ozzy so rock and roll. that someone with his voice may pick up a mic.

i think we’re caught in an awkward period. like when you’re trying to grow your hair long but you have to go through a couple months of looking destitute. the people that are in positions of authority and power, be it our families or public figures, grew up on jesus and other equally stupid unverifiable bullshit.

there is an actual correlation between economic development in third world countries and a rise in access to education for women. i believe it also results in fewer children ie family planning.

coincidentally, in spanish, donald trump translates to ‘frito pendejo’.

eat a bunch of dicks in the mens room at dennys

i’m fairly certain he got more smarter and now all his questions come from breitbart and fox news. i saw some press event earlier today where he was asked one question regarding if shelley mcconnell should bypass democrat boycott for supreme court confirmation to which the answer was no but i guess so. the president

now we wait for the chinese knock offs.