Or you know, good humans who are well adjusted.
Or you know, good humans who are well adjusted.
Count Armstrong’s. There isn’t a clean winner.
He wasn’t better vs him in his prime. His peak was prior to Nadal...
Bullshit. I watched every single one of mjs play off games as a bull including the years of losing. When they were winning it was often tight save for the one year only the Sonics put up a fight.
Every time I click on one it says this title not available for purchase
Every time I click on one it says this title not available for purchase
Are you dumb or blind? I stood at mco with easily 2000 people in line
He is
Huttball is the greatest bg ever made
Bullshit. Being poor is one thing. Being assholes that want to restrict rights of the other, reduce women’s rights, and bankrupt people via health care is another. I only get one life. If every blue state seceded today I’d sleep well the rest of my life. Conservatives will get their own country just like they want.…
You’re an idiot. That is not the totality of the argument. Okc would win 3 games without him.
Banned there
They actually did a story completely debunking those costs sourced from Boeing. Your entire country is full of dumb fucks. The world is laughing. And yea where I live has better standards of living, education and health care. There is nothing anyone wants from America anymore except people from third world nations…
99.99999999999999 of stops take longer than Is strictly necessary. Are you going into full lock/abs at every stop? What an incredibly stupid comment. Stop trying to sound smart, is having the opposite effect.
It was a joke you fucking ass clown. I’m not American give zero shots at about your shit country full of poor assholes who are too dumb to get jokes, but that was clearly one.
They actually are. I’m a surveyor in civil services and there’s an Osha requirement for blind turns and corners. these guys are fucked. insurance is going to win a lawsuit vs them an Osha will likely levy fines.
Yea or you know, sell a service that fucking works and upgrade the decades old shit infrastructure. Americas isps wouldn’t last a week in almost any other first world nation. let me guess though, you’ve never lived anywhere else?
I did. I’m not going to even bother explaining it because anyone who actually believes what you wrote probably lacks a very basic knowledge of streaming, and computers in general.
You’re a fucking idiot. I’ve not seen such incredible stupidity crammed into so few words in a long time. I have prime and downloaded it btw.
Murked ??