God I just can’t keep up with all this winning we keep having.
God I just can’t keep up with all this winning we keep having.
What do mean you made it up? My sources say that Trump tweeted that 3 to 5 million times.
It doesn’t even seem like a tough call, she’s on record at having dated three members of the administration or campaign. This is a point where, if her fellas weren’t such reprehensible villains, I would say that it is kind of normal for a single person, working a high stress, time consuming job in their twenties to…
Throughout his “career” we’ve all heard about how he’s supposedly an insatiable virile “chick magnet” and the world’s greatest lover...all according to him, of course. Just like with his “billions” of dollars, there’s absolutely zero evidence to support it, it’s just accepted as fact because he says so. Just like a…
I think Melania is very happy that other people are taking care of her husband’s sexual needs. I bet the less physical contact she has with him, the happier she is.
I mean I think the whole world knows he is slimy like that... but regardless of it always happening and her probably knowing - when the details come out its still humiliating.
I don’t feel bad for Melania at all, i assume she knows he cheats on regular basis. I am sure there are more cases.
And the thing is that people like her can’t stand Pope Francis because he sometimes shows an ounce of humanity, which is an ounce too much for the Ingrahams of the world.
Ash? That was dirt left over from the gutter she woke up in.
Fuck this posturing, irritating, fake-ass bitch. I love that she spent all Wednesday with a fucking ash cross on her forehead to pander to her viewers. Maybe think about what Jesus would say about the wealth inequality in this country, you hateful cunt.
Yeah but air pollution is just a liberal myth! To prove it, republicans should just go in their garages and inhale exhaust fumes for a while to prove once and for all that regulating air pollution is just a deep state conspiracy by Ellen Degeneres, Obama and Hillary done to funnel money to a pizza shop pedophile ring.
Thank god you’re hear to point out typos on the internet. How else would we survive?
Eh, I totally lost my shit after my mom died. People handle grief differently and I think that is one thing no one should be judged on.
I understand that the advent of social media has changed our social mores, but there is still etiquette to follow after the death of someone you know or know through others. It is absolutely not the time to make public conciliatory gestures like Parker’s because you are making it about YOU. If you want to extend an…
I mean Rippon is a really pretty young man...
Let us just get this out of the way, the sexuality of Mike Pence is not important. Who cares what his sexuality is? What is important is that he has a valid policy stance to hurt and endanger the lives of LGBTQ people regardless of how he feels satisfied behind closed doors. Mike Pence articles always turn into these…
No, they won’t. Has anyone from the Bush administration been held responsible for the lies they told that led us into the Iraq War? That was worse than anything Trump has managed to do (yet) and not one person was prosecuted or held responsible in any way shape or form. Thousands of Americans died and millions of…
All anyone needs to know about Fox News.
One day these people will have to answer for what they have done. I can’t wait. Everybody who was complicit in the immoral, hateful clusterfuck of lies that is this administration will have to answer for it one day.
I’m totally with you. I can love my car and also realize it’s not the most perfectly clean environmentally friendly transport. And I get how noise can hurt people, slowly and in ways hard to quantify on a day to day basis. I used to live on a semi-busy suburban main street growing up. At night it was usually silent,…