Bosley Crowther loved it (NY Times)
Bosley Crowther loved it (NY Times)
I don't know what sad person didn't like #1 but I do recall some criticism of #3 for rehashing some of the same themes about children growing up that the second one had already dealt with.
"What would you like to have become?"
The AV Club could probably have an interesting Inventory on mediocre-to-shitty books that have been made into great movies. Because Puzo's book is just shit, absolute shit. Joining it on the list would be Peter Benchley's Jaws and Robert Bloch's Psycho. Probably whatever that book that inspired "Touch of Evil" was…
"Searching For Bobby Fischer" is not a documentary.
"After the Thin Man" is pretty fantastic in its own right, although that's mostly because of Jimmy Stewart.
You are dumb, and "Citizen Kane" is awesome.
"They say he might be prime minister one day!"
Chamberlain's a commoner, the Earl would not have been interested. He only lets people die when he wants to impress other nobles.
::checks:: My goodness, Raquel Cassidy is pretty good-looking.
Mary is a bitch on wheels who holds a bottomless contempt for her sister. Been consistent since the first season.
I too was wondering if that exchange was Edith trying to subtly ask if what's his name was gay, or Edith just being too stupid to figure out that what's his name is gay.
'*While watching the cars race Mary's gestures were uncharacteristically animated for her, especially as she said “I hate it, I just hate it.” It looks like a fierce desire to get her way is not the only quality she shares with her grandmother.'
I think it would be interesting if, instead of being a mean and nasty bitch about this, finding out caused Mary to have an introspective moment in which she wonders why the entire family didn't tell her she has a niece.
It's comments like this that make we wish we still had visible down votes.
Well, y'all refuse to play our kind of football. And you keep putting all those silly U's in words like color and favor. So we haven't achieved complete cultural hegemony.
Oliver Herschbiegel had that huge hit with "Downfall", then he made his English-language debut with that crappy Body Snatchers remake "The Invasion", and his career just came to a complete fucking halt. Nothing but scattered TV work since.
"I'm a serious person. I'm making a movie about the Russian Revolution."
I remember hearing in the news a while back that Belgium went without a government for, oh, something like a year, because none of the parties could cobble together enough seats to claim a majority and install a prime minister.
No film with a naked Heather Graham should be that bad.