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Voters did not have to travel to their state capitals. That's not correct. You're thinking of members of the Electoral College traveling to their state capitals to cast their votes for President in December.

But why travel? That's the part that doesn't make sense. If there were such a person as Jesus, he probably came from Nazareth, as did his parents. The bit about traveling is fairly obviously to associate Jesus with David. The Romans could just as easily have counted Joseph and his family in Nazareth where they

I don't think that's true. I have never read anything outside of the New Testament that suggested the Romans made their subject peoples travel to ancestral home towns for the purposes of a census.

This is a far better reason to criticize the article than pissing and moaning about how the headline might make Pat Robertson mad. Of course Christianity has inspired all sorts of magnificent art.

Why must we respect that? Why should we respect the "there is a magic spirit who lives in the sky" crowd? They certainly don't respect us.

"Incredibly stupid?" Really? What do you imagine is going to happen here? Mass flight of advertisers? Widespread internet boycott of the AV Club? Angry Bill O'Reilly rants? Dogs and cats, living together?

The word "stumble" implies an accident or mistake, and there's no reason to presume that's the case with this article or headline.

"I can't help but think this article title might be a little offensive to some people."

Was I trying to be clever? I stated that the review is couched in such vague terms that I can't really tell what the story is about. You presumably can.

One of the biggest problems with internet spoiler culture is that it tends to render film criticism incoherent, because reviewers are terrified to give away "spoilers". I think this review is implying that the husband killed that lady 45 years ago, but it's hard to tell.

The rape scene takes place in the books, in just that way, except it's Jeyne Poole and not Sansa. But the character of Jeyne has been eliminated because you have to cut characters for the TV show, and her arc given to Sansa.

She's a terrible critic, just awful. She's bad on Salon too.

That poster put me off "Ghostbusters" forever, I think. Not because a woman is in it, but because Leslie Jones is in it. I do not understand how someone that loud and obnoxious and unfunny keeps getting work. Did she catch Lorne Michaels strangling a hooker?

Of course it's the woman being surprised at how strong the drink is. This modern notion that the man is trying to drug her is deeply stupid.

Well, the AV Club is staffed with morons.

You must have had the DTs.

How the fuck is this a "spoiler"? Daniel Craig has a cameo inside a storm trooper outfit? How is that a spoiler?

Hey, lay off the dogs!

Well, NAMBLA had to go underground, you know, so they need another public face.

"Darling, There's Something I've Been Hiding From You—I'm Jimmy Buffett"