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There is no such thing as a "big pull" of a You Tube "star".

Can you get off our TV screens too?

I'm 42. "Saturday Night Live" is the last thing just barely connecting me to pop culture.

"Racewalking" is a thing. A very stupid thing.

That was actually rewarding in a way, watching all the blind date teams instantly loathing each other. That one bitch of a nurse that kept endlessly screeching at her poor doctor partner was hilarious.

Yes, we're talking YouTube personalities here…asking them to read a map, or to read anything for that matter, will be tough.

…well, that's it. 15 years, and this will probably be what gets me to stop watching.

Exactly. The original film was called Star Wars for 20 years. Then Lucas's shitty "Phantom Menace" movie was announced. The thing is, "The Phantom Menace" was a dumb, shitty title, the first warning sign that the movie would be dumb and shitty. So everyone as kind of a collective decision decided to start calling

I too was kind of disturbed to find that Anna Kendrick has been reduced to appearing in video games. Are there no acting jobs out there? Stage work? Gas stations that need attendants?

So what happens? The metal at the bottom starts to get squashed?

She went hunting all over the Los Angeles area for a trash can with a positive pregnancy test?

Erica produced the positive test.

Very true, supermarkets will still have lots of canned food.

How far do you think you could walk in the desert with what Phil I had in that box? Not ten miles.


Not sure if solar panels are going to be enough to power large loads, especially motor loads.

Have we established that there are no insects?

The main difference being that Tandy has faced his comeuppance in ways Homer never has. But they are alike in a lot of ways.

I thought they were going to do that too for a second—Phil II basically could have taken charge and acted as the alpha male he obviously is. Beta males Phil I and Todd could be his servants, the women could be his sex slaves.

That's just not accurate. Phil I did not have nearly enough supplies to get to a town. We're talking about the Arizona desert. He would have died in short order.