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Somewhere there's a long and tragic list of all the super-hot actresses who really should have gotten naked in movies but did not, either b/c they worked during the Hays Code years or they just didn't want to. Jeri Ryan is on that list, along with Ava Gardner, Janet Leigh, Christina Hendricks, and others.

The Broadway Melody is kind of like the tallest midget, in the sense that just about all the talkies made in 1928-29 were absolute garbage. Silent movies were hitting artistic peaks, and they were replaced by utter shit.

Have to disagree here. I didn't find "Cimarron" bad in a "not good enough to be Best Picture" way, I found it bad in an actively, objectively bad movie way. Hokey, cliche-filled, awful hammy lead performance from Richard DIx. Terrible.

I'm ranting about how I don't enjoy the character or the story, because he is a horrible self-entitled super-spoiled 1% douchebag, and I wish the Jacobins coud have come around again to lop his head off. The song as a song is actually pretty good.

Undeserved because it's terrible, and worse than all four of the other nominees, as well as, oh, ten other movies made in 1968

I couldnt get over how hugely Bullitt fucked everything up at the end of "Bullitt". You have your suspect cornered inside an airplane, which is about as cornered as you can get, and Bullitt lets him escape from the plane and get all the way back into the terminal, where he engages in a violent shootout, and then gets

I watched "Rachel, Rachel" off of TCM not long ago. It's a good movie. Not better than "Rosemary's Baby", but a hell of a lot better than "Oliver".

Gigi has something for everyone. It has pedophilia. It has a family training their lovely teenaged girl to be a whore. And for the hero it has an insufferable douchebag who has a whole song about how being filthy stinking rich is really boring.


"Cimarron", the answer is "Cimarron", which is a turd.

I tried to watch this a while back. Gave up after a half-hour or so, whenever it was that Fagin was leading his little urchins through a number.

I wouldn't think that would be the "Modern Family" cast member whose puberty change was the one freaking people out.

I'm still wondering what that's supposed to mean. Why she'd put the ring in the safe. Why she'd take a flash drive out, and what's supposed to be on it.

Really. It's a little known fact that Chris Hemsworth's legal name is "Interchangeable Marvel Action Star #8".

See, this is the kind of outrage I enjoyed so much.

Damn. That's wack!

I got such a kick out of all the Internet's righteous, angry wrath over CHEESECAKE in a STAR TREK movie. It's like none of those people ever watched the show, never noticed Yeoman Rand or Uhura in miniskirts, or the famous green-skinned space girl from the first episode, or all the other hot ladies in skimpy outfits

So—I guess Quinn has had it with Chet? Are we supposed to know the signficance of the thumb drive she pulled out of the safe?

The romantic tension between Rachel and Adam has been built up all season. She saw him naked in the shower once and clearly liked it. She crawled into bed with him and they spooned last week. There's been tons and tons of build up.

I found that you need to let your DVR record a minute or two later with this show.