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Wait, wait. Are you saying that actors and actresses are usually more attractive than us regular schmoes, and that being attractive is generally understood to be part of the job requirement? Are you saying that tv and film producers often dress those people in ways that accentuate their attractiveness?

It means that you throw one stone, and kill two birds with it.

This sounds like it will be a pretty interesting show, although I'd rather see a show on the 1965 or 2003 blackouts that blacked out not just NYC but most of the northeast and eastern Canada. There's a fascinating clip available on You Tube in which NYC disk jockey Dan Ingram comments on the records he's playing

I was hoping we'd see 90-year-old Don at that hippie retreat on "True Detective" last Sunday.

This isn't true. The aggressors were Austria, in pretty much deliberately starting a war, and Germany, in backing them up. You can assign some supplementary blame to Russia for intervening and thus guaranteeing that the war would not be a localized Balkan affair.

I think the original poster has a point here. It would be well if the review contained a line indicating when this film was being released on video, in what formats, and by whom.

I read a plot summary of "Grave of the Fireflies" and decided at that moment to never ever watch that movie.

No, no, no. Haig was an incompetent criminal, and the men under his command died for nothing. "Freedom of the world"—the British weren't any freer than the Germans (and internationally they enslaved far more people). And all that 900,000 dead or so bought Britain was another war 20 years later with a Germany that

Think so? Ever seen pictures of attendance at Marlins games? That fan base must like dressing as empty seats.

I think I'm still gonna have to go with "white".

Joe Schmo 2!

Allow me to speak for Cardinals fans everywhere, to note that the Cards have the best record in baseball, and to invite all of y'all to go to hell.

The thing that's most fascinating to me about high dudgeon over steroids—well, aside from the fact that there's never been a convincing case for why athletes shouldn't take steroids—is how selective the outrage is. Take the Yankees. A-Rod is a pariah. Andy Pettitte is Yankee hero. Both did roids. Is it because

It's weird to have watched all these shows weeks ago and only see the reviews coming up now.

Yup, having a kid does not match well with Nick always drinking and Nick and Nora always going to fancy cocktail parties and such.

Most AV Clubbers won't know this one, but there were six films in "The Thin Man" series. I still haven't seen the last one but they decline pretty much linearly from all-time classic in the first one to straight-up bad by #5. Have heard that #6 isn't good either.

Really it's like the Olympics. Who gives a fuck about curling or the discus or the 4x100 meters? Nobody. Except once every four years where you cheer on your national representative.

There's a couple of stupid people in this comment thread, look above.

Fascinating that you equate contempt for Kim Kardashian with being an asshole.

How much talent does it take to hire a plastic surgeon?