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blah blah blah is John Ratzeberger still in the movie blah blah blah no really is John Ratzenberger still in the movie blah blah blah blah GODDAMMIT IS JOHN RATZENBERGER STILL IN THE MOVIE

Chris Hemsworth, aka "interchangeable Marvel action hero #6". Well, good for him.

I used to really enjoy this show. My goodness, is Mircea Monroe hot. But then I realized that this was the only reason I had Showtime, so I dropped the channel.

Well, I enjoyed the heck out of that. It seemed like they were trying to stage the battle of Monmouth Court House with a budget of about nine dollars but they actually made it look pretty good.

As far as realism goes, I checked out of "House of Cards" when they had the Vice President resign so he could go back to being governor of his state.

I explained this in detail above. See Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment, which states that Electors will cast separate ballots for P and VP.

There is nothing preventing ex-Presidents from running for other office. Two of them have: John Quincy Adams served 18 years in the House of Representatives and Andrew Johnson was elected to his old seat in the Senate two years after leaving the White House.

The Senate has to pick between the candidates who got Electoral College votes for VP. So they'd be picking between Tom and Laura Montez, if I remember her name correctly.

No, this is not possible and cannot happen. Selina and Tom James have been nominated for their respective positions, and the Electoral College voters have been pledged to them accordingly.

hopefully not

Can't wait for the next moment of spittle-flecked rage from Eddie Huang, followed by Eddie cashing the check.

Mike is the one character who is so egregiously incompetent that you wonder how he stays employed.

sorry you can't watch shows on time

Listen. Please. Listen to me. It is impossible for Selina to be veep again after running in an election as candidate for POTUS. This will not happen.

That's why she probably has to win, if the series is to continue for another year. Either she wins and keeps being POTUS, or she loses and the show is over as Selina returns to private life.

The House is controlled by the other party, as has been made clear in the past by Selina's interaction with the speaker. So that much is realistic. I think it was actually stated in the show that Selina's party lost the House in the midterms.

I liked this episode a lot more than you did, but I do agree that it was a very very unrealistic portrayal of a congressional hearing. I found it odd that congressmen felt free to ask what kind of medicine Mike was taking (health issues are confidential) or how Jonah was touched (personal, private, irrelevant), or

There is pretty much no way under the American political system for Selina to go back to being VP.

No, it's me. Don't other people post in both of these threads?

This was a bridge too far for me. Deleted a GOT episode for the first time ever.