
which is surprising they give AC Valhalla a pass considering how it came out about how Ubisoft was protecting sexual harassers and the like.

There’s a pretty strong bias against TLOU2 here on Kotaku. It’s sort of the inverse of Hades which gets an extraordinary amount of praise. I think I only saw TLOU2 mentioned on one of the individual lists and even then only as an honorable mention. It pretty clearly comes down to some of controversies like “crunch”

I hate roguelikes and I absolutely love Hades. Pick it up - you won’t be sorry! Sunk so many hours into it without it ever feeling repetitive.

Same. I can tell just by looking at it that I will enjoy the gameplay and the aesthetics a lot. I can also tell that eventually, the rogue like aspects and the tedium will get to me, and I’ll abandon this game.

I really hate rogue likes also, but a good friend if mine insisted I try it, and I had a chance to pick it up for super cheap so I went ahead and did it.

I continue to be so torn on if I should give Hades a shot or not. Everything I’ve read praises the game, yet I also know that I utterly loathe Rogue-likes.

The IDF is intimidated by children with rocks and kites . . .

Soldier for apartheid regime =/= badass.

hahahaha, jokes on you, you stopped in 2020! Now go 6 months in the future and grab the vaccine!

Pretty sure that H.R. Ginger is the formal name of Harry Prince of Wales.

“Following hundreds of hours interviews and extensive research, we have concluded that Joss Whedon repeatedly and maliciously flouted the ‘one Rice Krispies treat per customer’ rule and as a result we have charged his Warner Brothers commissary account an additional $46.17. No further remedial action will be taken at