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    I’d argue that common PC part problems, whether acknowledged by their manufacturers or not, happen often enough that you should be worried if you’re concerned about the joycons.

    Games are not milk. They do not decrease in fun as they age. Nintendo has no reason to lower prices for games that are masterfully crafted and you can easily put hundreds of hours in.

    You either want the system or you don’t, to think that the drift issue could bite you in the ass is either being way over dramatic, or you’re not in tune with how often it actually happens.

    If one of the very best games ever made isn’t worth it at full price, that’s on you and not the company.

    More HK content is always welcomed. One of the most incredible places I’ve ever been.

    “Toyota hasn’t had a track record of good design lately, and have been adding flicks and curves and massive fake grille openings to every car it builds.” 

    That’s so cool to hear.

    Maybe the solution to gun violence isn’t thinking and praying, but more of these Pikachu Outbreaks?

    It looks cool, sure, but will never work as a competitive map. Too dark, too cluttered, and too many spots to blend in. CS maps are designed for sight lines, visibility and game play. This is a graphical exercise.

    Does this 11 or 12 year old kid have a tattoo on his arm

    Well, I can go ahead and add “giant cruise ship hauling ass directly toward me while I gaze over the ocean from a dock” to the list of things I need to be unreasonably afraid of.

    Yep, not Erangel at all.

    I don’t know if Kadri “came right back”, he went to the dressing room and didn’t come back until the next period, no?

    That is a glorious Dreamcast! Hope you and your family had a great Christmas and holiday season Fahey.

    Way to pick on a single thing out of everything I wrote.

    I’m perfectly okay with this! 

    Spot on. If Fox translates stuff between quotes; it should be quoted. This was nothing like Jos said.

    Toronto isn’t bad, there’s actually a lot to do and has an excellent food scene. It’s just that for somebody’s first time visiting Canada, there are far better choices than Toronto. 

    As a Torontonian, go out west to the Rockies or out east to the Maritimes instead! 

    3G TL definitely wins this one, it’s still a very sharp looking car, especially with the A Spec kit.