
If your computer came with a Blu-Ray drive, chances are there is a disc with a driver and/or software. Even if you bought an external one, I would hope the circumstances are the same

Because it’s not the greatest service pack of all time, but it’s the most historically significant service pack of all time?

Has Adventure Time moved back to Monday night? If so, that makes me happy. Not that I have cable, but it's always felt like a "start of the week" show.

Actually I was judging based on the CBB grading system. I really enjoyed this one.

It’s getting weeeeird!

Above average episode. A classic C+

Hey, aren't you that guy who didn't like that horse from Horsin' Around?

I thought for certain this would be about YouTuber dotflist who does something similar with theme songs, though instead of just writing new lyrics he creates a whole new piece of music.

As the old saying goes, "It's not internet. It's AOL."

But it comes with a free frogurt!

And a real human being.

Most people already have their phone or iPad out while watching TV.

I just read this article about 15 minutes ago and promised I would share it with the first person who made a relevant comment.

I rock peas on my head but don't call me a pea head!

If only Chipotle offered a Chipohlittle burrito. For when my stomach can’t handle the full-size version.

Who still uses chalk? Nearly every classroom or conference room I’ve been to has a dry-erase whiteboard.

I look forward when they send an AV Club writer off to a pre-Infinity Wars marathon.

"Is this the first time Magnitude has appeared and hasn’t uttered his catchphrase?"

That’s what I figured. Looking forward to it!

Does Windows on Boot Camp count as a PC? If I like it, I’d almost consider using it as the primary OS on my MacBook.