
Btw.. Gabby.... it’s spelled “Plagiarised”

Snowflakes=Fake News.

Snowflakes will be snowflakes... they will try and find anything to bitch and moan about over the next few years.... tune them out and refuse to hire them like I will....

On the bright side.. unlike your false messiah obama the narcissist... at least Trump didn’t refer to himself 247 times in his speech. GFY snowflakes....  

Give me a break... you snowflakes do nothing but bitch and moan. Little bit of a stretch to say he is plagiarizing a fictional characters on screen rant? lol laughable.

meh.. it’s only a pos bmw. who cares

There is nothing impressive about ANY japanese cars. I don’t get the appeal of those shit box rice flingers.

she? it’s a he.

I think I know why he commuted it’s sentence... Guessing barry wanted to try something new.. michael robinson (the tranny known as michelle obama) must not be wetting his whistle like he used to.

Hideous POS cars.....

Newsflash for all you Californians.... water is wet!

Proof positive Californians are morons.

Buckle up snowflake... you are in for a fun couple of years. Do you need a safe space or crayons? A coloring book or a puppy? lol

I suggest you stay put in california.... lest you be greeted with a loaded shotgun. fucking hippie.

You lost we won, deal with it. Now get to the back of the bus.

Unlike hillary huh? Planted questions, handpicked guests, tiny tiny crowds.... go fuck yourself.

What a joke of an article. Little bitter and upset over the election still huh? Get a clue anna.

What about “Jesus Christ: Superstar” on motorcycles? Hell let’s get really stupid... “The Shining” on mopeds.

About as clever as a 3 year old telling a knock knock joke.. yawn.

Buckle up buttercup.... you may want to look into killing yourself.