
Y’all can GTFAC. This thing is beautiful.

This car is beautiful and all of your motherfuckers would totally drive one if you could. Quit playing.

My goodness. This looks a million times better, my jaw literally dropped. :O

What do you want in there? Perhaps an iPad? Or some obsfucated menu navigation system developed by Bosch in 2005? It’s a Ford race car, you don’t buy one so you can swipe right to change the climate controlled rear passenger seat angle by .2 degrees.

Interesting color.

The R with the electronics package and a fucking racing stripe at $66k. I don’t like Mustangs after driving my ‘99 Mustang into the ground and I usually hate racing stripes, but for some reason I like how this one looks.

All Kardashians are worthless, so it doesn't really matter who he meant.

So by this argument, all 300m+ American citizens are guilty of not only a crime, but one where police are involved and lethal force is required? I have repeatedly said that cops have a dangerous job, but perpetuating the narrative of the police being under siege is dangerous. There is an increasing trend of outright

crunching the numbers because i dig this kind of stuff. If 71 officers have been killed this year, in August, then assuming the rate continues about 95 total can be expected to have died in 2015. There are about 461,000 active duty police officers in the US, giving each officer an average of .02% chance of being

“And maybe, yes, Harris did open fire on the police first! But the fact remains that no matter who fired the first shot, the entire incident was a direct result of the aggression and continued escalation of tensions by the police in Ferguson.”

Is your argument really that the existence of institutional racism absolves indivduals of responsibility if they decide to fire guns at police officers? (Or committing arson?)

Is “tone policing” the new get-out-of-rhetorical-jail-free card that you’re supposed to play when someone points out the flaws in your argument?

If you break it down per pupil, a Cop is 18 times more likely to die on duty, than a Civilian being killed by a cop. This assumes a U.S. Population of 300mm and a total police force of 1.1mm.

In encouraging her black audience to burn down stores, she is encouraging them to do the very thing that will perpetuate their poverty and the poverty of their neighborhoods.

“Police say that Harris opened fire, which they then returned. In the ensuing gunfight, somehow Harris was the only one injured. If you have the luxury of taking that story at face value, congratulations, sounds like a nice life. For the rest of us, however, we who have a cursory understanding of how the police system

“Police say that Harris opened fire, which they then returned. In the ensuing gunfight, somehow Harris was the only one injured. If you have the luxury of taking that story at face value, congratulations, sounds like a nice life. For the rest of us, however, we who have a cursory understanding of how the police system

Who are you defending here? The adult who was shooting at the police? How is that something that can or should be defended? Because he was a young black male? I don’t understand.

Your last sentence was interesting, and I found it pretty hard to check.

Came here to say exactly that. I would bet a lot of money it was mostly human urine. I love SF but seriously that let people do whatever the fuck they want here. As my mother used to say, it's all fun and games until pee erodes the light poles.