Andrew Herrera

Sombra’s little figurine doesn’t deserve to be so high up. That doesn’t look like stealth, with her eyes and features still colorized. It looks like blackface.

Screw everything currently on their docket for this game. Give me some Fall of Ifrit DLC. Give me some Young King Regis. The original narrative is almost a piece of Swiss cheese that they’re attempting to plug with more swiss cheese. The DLC has to be selected outside of the actual story, so there’s no way to feel

Nope. Just a guy who loves the written content here and thinks if you’re gonna make the jump to video, it should reflect the same quality and effort your writing does. I might’ve been being a snide little asshole, but the question was sincere; Tim, do you need a better mic?

Good Lord, can we crowd fund you a mic? Using your phone or laptop or whatever that is makes you sound like a disembodied voice from a 90's educational PC game.

Always hated Playmobil. Dunno why, but I always found the style extremely cheap, especially when you factor in how much they cost. Licensing properties I like has not changed this opinion.

Just a difference of opinion. If those reused animations/etc combined into more balanced characters, it still has a plus for me. And I remember a few generic reuses like ki blasts, but the specials, which games like this heavily feature, were unique and character-fitting.

With a 24-Character roster, I think it has a DBZ-universe-sized hole. Wasn’t it on the Wii like, 2 generations ago when we had insane 100+ character rosters so big they had to take characters like Arale and throw them in? I’ll always feel like cutting a roster takes a game back, no matter how fancy the new engine is.

I’m gonna jack your whole perception up, Narelle. In the grand scheme of mobile games, it’s nice because it’s an Animal Crossing coat of paint on the usual mobile formula (timesinks + addictive gameplay + premium ways to speed it up), but so far as AC goes, it’s painfully underwhelming. There’s no busywork, nothing to

I’ve killed them both any times I’ve encountered them. Smash up the boulders before ammonaconda can eat them amd he doesn’t shoot too much. Mind Flayer I attribute to pure dumb luck, though. He’s so damn random.

Bullet King is super easy if you keep some distance. His patterns are actually much more simple food me to keep track of than the Bullet Twins. I just discovered it this year, too, and it’s up there with Zelda and Mario for hrs played XD

They’re talking about the cartridges games come on. If your 64GB sd doesn’t work in it, that’s an issue with your card. Mine has a 128gb in it working as we speak.

 does it make the windows store version playable? No? *goes back to playing on XBO*

Direct me to these so-called “real gems”, please. I’ve been a part of the RPGM community for decades almost and have NEVER seen such a thing.

Sounds like something that belongs on a Blu-Ray in a collector’s set with the movies, not as a standalone entity. How much they charge for this hot turd, anyway?

We can only hope.

@Balta12 That’s the best icon I’ve ever seen. I’m stealing it.

Also told this. I dunno, maybe? I did get it free with Games with Gold a while back. Still wouldn’t sit quite right, knowing one was still out there, though.

I considered this, and am still considering it. If it comes in a steam sale, I may reconsider.

Didn’t know this was a thing. Makes sense not to try again.

Haven’t played any, and just obtained a beast of a gaming rig. I reeeeeeally want to give 3 a try, and yeah everyone says it covers the past game’s events well, but I never do games like that. They should outsource a pt. 1 remake to someone like Obsidian or something so hold-outs like me can finally see what all this