Andrew Herrera

You write the code and I’ll write the story!

A custom robo where you can transfer your pokemon to make awesome voltron-looking armor with it. I love the pokemon series but always felt that when we’re done battling with our pokes, we should be able to do more with them.

Yessssssss. Current listings had it set for the holiday this year. Now it’s releasing the day after my birthday! Happy birthday to me :)

Man, Nintendo may just win the mobile game war, which began as a jillion upstarts looking to dethrone them in the beginning. I’m excited to see what they do with the series, but also less excited to discover how they monetize it.

With Samsung, Apple and Android Pay, you’d thing this would be more of a ubiquitous thing by now. It really needs to be.

I don’t think I’ll ever get how full-grown adults are unable to get this. Every connection someone’s mind makes transforms them into the people that they are. Politics, religion, beliefs, values. All of it is formed by one’s own perception and cognition of what is happening around them. Telling someone else they’re

*sucking in air through teeth and wincing* Can’t afford $50 or more for Bomberman. Not on top of the monthly online fee. This is definitely one of the launch titles that’ll grow in popularity after its move to the bargain bin, and not a second before.

Prominent voice actors? In game monetization for cosmetics? This combination sounds like they’ll be asking for a full $60 at title launch with microtransactions. A fun time with a bunch of your buds Bomberman is. A full-fledged full-price adventure title, it ain’t. Sincerely hoping this is an XBLA-style 10-15 buck

No, they’re little pink eraser type wrestlers from wa a aay back in the day. It had an anime based around it.

Literally all they had to do was make Halo 3, allowing the user to build individual set pieces for Forge mode a la LBP in Leg...er...Mega Blocks and make everything look like mega blocks. Voila. Better Halo game than anything that has been released in years.

I come to Kotaku for late-breaking game news. I stick with Kotaku because of incredible journalism like this.

WOW Google adsense made this page a nightmare.

Somewhere in the multiverse lies an entire universe where the only difference is you posted this trailer last year. Right now in that universe, the 3DS is cluttering shelves and the Vita is the surprise hot gift this holiday season.

How did FFXV selling character development as DLC not make the list? Easily the most disappointing thing for me.

Came here to write similar , was not disappointed .

Came here to write similar , was not disappointed .

Leaving out Cloud and Barrett’s man-date is inexcusable! If ever an FF scene evoked the word “bromance”, surely this is it.

*SPOILERS* I felt from the instant that Gladiolus disappeared and returned with his scar that a great deal had been left out. If the DLC deals with Gladio’s scar, Ignis going blind or Prompto’s big reveal, I’ll be genuinely pissed. These were important and pivotal moments for the characters in the game. What if

Literally RIGHT before reading this article, I was thinking about how physically, I feel the exact same as I imagine as a child but with back pain.

“The first thing we did was to collect every individual’s ideas, and then we just got started with the actual development. I think having a master planner doc where everything is spelled out is certainly one valid approach to game development, but that’s not how things work at Square. We develop the game in an

Got the game as part of a buy-two-get-one-free deal at GameStop I was unaware of until I was offered the game. You can’t feel burned by a game you got for free, but I WAS a bit disappointed. It had that same feel that Spore had that made you feel like there was only a mechanic or two keeping it from greatness. I