
Jesus’ Fuckin’ Chicken?

Ever consider the possibility that the Russian nuclear arsenal is so decrepit that it no longer serves as a plausible deterrence hence the need to find a quick but terrifying substitute.

Why even bother responding to a poorly thought out article? It almost completely discounts the considerable assets the South Koreans can deploy.

Kinda like a lazy guys stromboli.

Every added window weakens the fuselage of a pressurized aircraft.

Maybe you mean rogue wave. Tsunami will just give them a gentle swell.

Oh, they have that with selective reporting.

Don’t forget the Barbary Pirates who were active well into the 19th century.

tsunami pool” Works as advertised.

Hypothetically. If you see preparations for a nuclear strike and gather enough intelligence to confirm such a strike is coming. Do you wait for the mushrooms before you act or do you act first?

Pfft! Facts...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, that logic is so fucked. Be more friendly with Iran which is openly belligerent with the US but be more hostile with Russia and NK who both have real nuclear arsenals?

I don’t get why people seem to think Iran had already reformed under that deal. As soon as the pressure was off they’re hand was all over every trouble spot in the Middle East arming every Anti-American proxy they could find.

Shrimp has a stronger distinct flavor compared to squid.

With rats you get fleas. So bonus.

Rodents also bring fleas. So it comes with it’s own even more nasty insects.

They fought with certain rules of the day. They saw no reason continuing to fight a losing war. Preserving what remains becomes paramount.

Due to the heat it may also be close to a ventilation shaft sucking out most of the odor as well as accelerating the jerkification process.

As I recall there were over a hundred thousand French casualties during the German invasion. They didn’t suffer that from running away.

Leo seems to appreciate her intelligence and commitment to the craft. Why else would he be making those suggestions?