
How did the port hold up? Thoughts?

Some SJW probably got drew this and had to make her ‘appropriate’.

I’d love to see plants that attack you if they sense your presence. Like, seasonal enemies, you know?

But the thing is, that you have to have a NORMAL NN3DS, not an XL, and most people have the NN3DSXL. Sooo, they may as well buy the bundle.

No, NO 3DS on market plays GBA games. Otherwise, you’d see me play Castlevania and a bunch of awesome GBA games. GBC and GB games are the only ones on the VC.

If you’re looking for GBA games, you can pick up a DS Lite for pretty cheap, and still play DS games (but not 3DS games).

That’s great, but as far as a NNID, you would either have to create a new account, or keep transferring it between the 3ds?

When are these going to go up for preorder? I’ve got a 3ds XL but I wouldn’t be adverse to buying one of these. It looks awesome.

I just think it’s ridiculous that as an console gamer, I have to pay an EXTRA $18 to get the game for my console. I can’t justify $57 for a game that could or could not come out on time. I don’t see how they can justify such a STEEP price floor for console users. It’s obvious where they want to pull from.

Very rarely will I crowdfund, however, this is something I could definitely see buying into a higher tier than just the game for. It’s an AMAZING series that deserves to be carried on. I still play it from time to time and once all of the LIVE ARCADE games are up on BC, i’m going to fucking play the shit out of the

I was already going to side with them since I hate the smugness of the Brotherhood (and I absolutely love building settlements), but this is even cooler. It’s great that you can see actual progress with this faction.

This tactic has helped me avoid some nasty encounters. I.e. Walking into aggro range of a Behemoth(Skull) that would have pounded me right into the ground.

I would pay good money for this mod on the X1. It’s amazing. Looks like I know my next playthrough choice.

Do you even praise bro?